Poster, Plenary Talks & Collaborative Projects

Poster, Plenary Talks & Collaborative Projects

Please submit your abstract by 14 July 2024

Call for Abstracts for Posters and Plenary Talks

  • All PhD students and postdocs are kindly invited to submit abstracts for posters and plenary talks
  • Discuss topic, title, abstract and potential co-authors with your PI
  • Deadline for posters and plenary talks: 14 July 2024


  • Poster abstracts can be submitted by individual or collaborative authors/presenters
  • Collaborative posters should be only submitted by the presenter of the poster
  • Format: A0 portrait
  • Instructions for poster printing will follow

Plenary Talks

  • 7 plenary talks will be selected the Scientific Committee

Submission Form for Posters and Plenary Talks

  • Login:
    • If you have a user account at our institute: Log in via LDAP with your normal username (not email) and password
    • If you don’t have a user account at our institute: Log in via Indico
  • Select contribution type (poster or plenary talk) in the submission form.
  • You can submit several contributions
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