Equal Opportunities
The Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics (MPIMG) represents interdisciplinary research in an international environment at the highest scientific level. Regardless of gender, origin or physical disabilities, we promote the development of each employee's unique abilities. When it comes to creating equal opportunities, we focus on the advancement of female scientists and the compatibility of work and family life.
You can find details about various measures at the MPIMG under Career Development and Work & Family. Please contact the institute's gender equality officer for all questions regarding these measures. An overview of the current events is available under Events.
The Max Planck Society and all its institutes aim to remove all gender-specific obstacles to a career in science. For more information about the long-term goals of the MPS regarding equal opportunities for women and men, please visit https://www.mpg.de/equal_opportunities.
Based on a presidential decision in 2017, gender-sensitive language shall be used in all documents and announcements of the Max Planck Society. In German, the form with an asterisk (*, for instance Wissenschaftler*innen) is recommended, as it also includes persons with non-binary gender identity. You can read more on this topic on the intranet.