Welcome to the Student Association of the MPIMG (STA)

August 22, 2024

The Student Association (STA) represents all students at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics. Our association was established in April 2001 to promote the interests of all students at the institute - in terms of scientific work, organisation issues and social events.

Contact us:

Please do not hesitate to if you have any inquiries or if you have new ideas you want to realize.

To distribute the latest information about events and other important student matters, we use a mailing list. When you join our institute as a PhD student, you should be automatically added to our mailing list. If you are new to the institute as a master student, please sign up to the students mailing list to get the latest information. Just write an with your name, status and affiliation and we add you to the students mailing list.

STA Members:

Projects and events in the name of the STA are coordinated by the STA members. All PhD students and MSc students at the MPI for Molecular Genetics are eligible to become STA members.

The current STA members are: Marta Couce Iglesias (Kraushar Lab), Elodie Lorentz (Schulz Lab), Eleonora Oliani (Kraushar Lab), Ingrid Pelaez Conde (Schulz Lab), Laura Katharina Schmidt (Aktas Lab), Eva Verzani (Vingron Lab) and Niloufar (Lily) Yousefi (Meierhofer Lab). 

Within the PhDnet, the network of PhD students of the Max Planck Society, we are represented by Marta Couce Igelsias (Kraushar lab).

Our Goals:

We act in the interests of the students at the MPI and provide a guidance for new doctoral candidates and Master students. Furthermore, we can forward the problems and needs of students by addressing the directors, group leaders, the work council ("Betriebsrat"), and equal opportunity officer ("Gleichstellungsbeauftragte") or others.

We also organize several events during the year to provide a platform for scientific and social interactions [more]. To learn more about upcoming events, please sign up to the students mailing list.



Buddy Programme

Buddy Programme

August 22, 2024
Are you joining the MPIMG/IMPRS-BAC and would like to be put in touch with someone who can help you settle in and get acquainted with your new life at the MPIMG/IMPRS-BAC and in Berlin? Or are you a member of the MPIMG/IMPRS-BAC and would like to get to know and support new colleagues in a fun and informal way? Then the Buddy Programme is for you! more
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