
Location: Seminar Room SI, Tower 3

Dahlem Colloquium

"Annotation of cis-regulatory elements in the human brain." [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"Non-coding RNA-mediated assembly of heterochromatin - a kiss to remember" [more]

Dahlem Colloquia

"Evolution of gene expression: from mutation to polymorphism to divergence" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"Ribonucleoprotein aggregates: where structural disorder and RNA-binding Ability meet" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"G Quadruplex Nucleic Acids" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"Epigenetic mechanisms in stem cells and development" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"Illuminating genetic networks in cancer using CRISPR technology" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"Structural organisation of the inactive X chromosome in the mouse" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"TADs, LNCKs and MEDs: Understanding the role of the epigenome in blood cancer initiation and progression" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"Signaling Modules that Control Embryonic Stem Cell Identity" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"Mechanisms of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

  • Date: Oct 17, 2016
  • Time: 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Leonie Ringrose
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin IRI for the Life Sciences Department for Biology Quantitative Biology of the Eukaryotic Cell
  • Location: Seminar Room SI, Tower 3
  • Host: Edda Schulz
"Epigenetic memory and beyond: Theoretical and experimental analysis of Polycomb/Trithorax regulation." [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"Design Principles of Pluripotency" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

  • Date: Nov 17, 2016
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Tim Hubbard
  • Professor of Bioinformatics Head of Department of Medical & Molecular Genetics Director of Bioinformatics King's Health Partners/King's College London Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine King's College London, UK
  • Location: Seminar Room SI, Tower 3
  • Host: Martin Vingron
"The 100,000 genomes project" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"Genome regulation: Generating robustness and precision in developmental programs" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"A cellular approach to angiogenesis; from live imaging to nanobodies" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"Feathered feet and fancy features: genetics and development of diversity in Darwin's pigeons" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

  • Date: Dec 19, 2016
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Brian Munsky
  • Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, School of Biomedical Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA
  • Location: Seminar Room SI, Tower 3
  • Host: Edda Schulz
"Using Noise to Discover Predictive Models of Signal-Activated Gene Expression" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"Evolution of regulatory landscapes" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

“Building the mammalian embryo: partnership between embryonic and extra-embryonic stem cells in vivo and in vitro“ [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"What we can learn from ancient genetics" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

“Peaking into transcription using high-resolution genomics techniques“ [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

“Genetic networks defining vertebrate trunk length“ [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"Reading & Writing Genomes & Epigenomes: New Technologies & Applications." [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"The vulnerability of the developing human cortex to genetic and environmental causes of chromatin dysfunction: insights from 3D cortical organoids" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

“Intertwined evolution of mammalian coding and noncoding transcriptomes” [more]


Characterizing embryonic regulatory landscapes using lineage-specific DNase-Seq and single-cell ATAC-Seq [more]

Dahlem Colloquium

"Stem cell models and non-coding RNAs in neurological disease." [more]

Seminar: "TGF-beta family signaling in cancer"

"TGF-beta family signaling in cancer" [more]

Seminar with Prof. Stephen Keyse

"Dual-specificity MAP kinase Phosphatases: important modulators of oncogenic signalling through the Ras/ERK pathway" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: "Epitranscriptomics – from basic principles to clinical insights"

"Epitranscriptomics – from basic principles to clinical insights" [more]

Seminar: "Rules and Roles of Non-coding Transcription"

"Rules and Roles of Non-coding Transcription" [more]

Seminar with Aydan Bulut-Karslioglu

"Chromatin regulation by cell growth, in proliferation and in pause" [more]

Molecular control of genome folding

Dahlem Colloquium: “Increasing complexity of human proteome: from alternative splicing to alternative translation”

“Increasing complexity of human proteome: from alternative splicing to alternative translation” [more]

Lecture: "Systematic transcription factor-mediated forward programming of human stem cells"

Dahlem Colloquium: “Dissecting RNA metabolism using single molecule microscopy”

“Dissecting RNA metabolism using single molecule microscopy” [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: “Developmental Modeling Of The Human Kidney”

“Developmental Modeling Of The Human Kidney” [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: “Developmental Control of Replication Timing and Chromosome Architecture”

“Developmental Control of Replication Timing and Chromosome Architecture” [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: "Regulation of large-scale chromatin architecture in mammalian cells"

"Regulation of large-scale chromatin architecture in mammalian cells" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: "3D genome organization and Polycomb function in epigenetic inheritance and developmental regulation"

"3D genome organization and Polycomb function in epigenetic inheritance and developmental regulation" [more]

Seminar with Jaydeep Bhat

“Human gd T cells and transformation: What do we learn from the DNA methylation?” [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: "Regulation of geneexpression by RNA-binding proteins and non-coding RNAs"

"Regulation of geneexpression by RNA-binding proteins and non-coding RNAs" [more]

Seminar with Albert Jeltsch

"Mechanisms involved in reading and writing of methyl marks" [more]

Lecture: "Probing gene control via chemical protein degradation"

"Probing gene control via chemical protein degradation" [more]

Lecture: "Mining the genome: Novel tissue-specific genes and lincRNAs in human inflammation"

"Mining the genome: Novel tissue-specific genes and lincRNAs in human inflammation" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: "Predicting Functional Mechanisms from public CLIP-seq data"

"Predicting Functional Mechanisms from public CLIP-seq data" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: "Restricting the extent of transcription across the mammalian genome to prevent the formation of pathological RNA"

"Restricting the extent of transcription across the mammalian genome to prevent the formation of pathological RNA" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: "Novel players regulating chromatin function"

"Novel players regulating chromatin function" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: "balancing RNA levels"

"balancing RNA levels" [more]

Seminar with David Garfield

"Single-cell and population genetic approaches to understand developmental evolution" [more]

Seminar with Stefan H. Stricker

"Editing fate changing marks" [more]

Lecture: "PHF3 binds RNA polymerase II via the SPOC domain and regulates transcription of neuronal genes"

"PHF3 binds RNA polymerase II via the SPOC domain and regulates transcription of neuronal genes" [more]

Dahlem Colloquia: "Transcription of the genome: from molecular movies to regulatory systems"

"Transcription of the genome: from molecular movies to regulatory systems" [more]

Seminar with Sriharsa Pradhan

  • Date: Nov 22, 2018
  • Time: 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Sriharsa Pradhan
  • Genome Biology Division, New England Biolabs (NEB), Ipswich MA/USA Adjunct Professor at the Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA/USA
  • Location: Seminar Room SI, Tower 3
  • Host: Alexander Meissner
“Accessible chromatin mapping of human and mouse at single base-pair resolution” [more]

Lecture: "Detecting and manipulating chromosome structure in vivo without crosslinking and ligation”

"Detecting and manipulating chromosome structure in vivo without crosslinking and ligation” [more]

Dahlem Colloquia: "In vivo selection to enhance cell and gene therapy for the liver"

“In vivo selection to enhance cell and gene therapy for the liver” [more]

Dahlem Colloquia: "Phenotypic noise in metabolic systems"

"Phenotypic noise in metabolic systems" [more]

Dahlem Colloquia: "Integration of regulatory RNAs in the cellular networks"

"Integration of regulatory RNAs in the cellular networks" [more]

Dahlem Colloquia: A battlefield: Signaling during fertilization and embryo activation in plants

A battlefield: Signaling during fertilization and embryo activation in plants [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: Function of cell cycle in stem cell differentiation

Function of cell cycle in stem cell differentiation [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: Long-term single-cell quantification: New tools for old questions

Long-term single-cell quantification: New tools for old questions [more]

Seminar with Iftach Nachman

"Early differentiation decisions in a 3D developmental model - What can we learn from embryoid bodies?" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: "Viewing nuclear architecture through the eyes of nocturnal mammals"

"Viewing nuclear architecture through the eyes of nocturnal mammals" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: Modeling differentiation and stimulation response in single-cell genomics

Modeling differentiation and stimulation response in single-cell genomics [more]

Seminar with Miguel A. Esteban

"Regulation of RNA-protein interactions" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: "DNA methylation and the causes of Rett syndrome"

"DNA methylation and the causes of Rett syndrome" [more]

Seminar with Markus Elsner

"How to get published-Perspectives from a Nature Biotechnology editor" [more]

Seminar with Stefan Legewie

"Signal integration in alternative splicing networks" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: "Transcription during DNA damage"

"Transcription during DNA damage" [more]

Seminar with Ivan Bedzhov

“Self-organisation of the pluripotent linage during mouse peri-implantation development” [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: "SMCHD1: To Have, or not Have, a Nose"

"SMCHD1: To Have, or not Have, a Nose" [more]

Dahlem Colloquium: "Pervasive transcription: Origins and impact on the expression and stability of the yeast genome"

"Pervasive transcription: Origins and impact on the expression and stability of the yeast genome" [more]

Didier Trono: The endovirome, its polydactyl controllers and the species-specificity of human transcriptional networks

The endovirome, its polydactyl controllers and the species-specificity of human transcriptional networks [more]

Seminar with Jurian Schuijers

"Mediator condensates localize signaling factors to key cell identity genes" [more]

Jonathan Pritchard: Does every gene affect the phenotypic variation in every complex trait?

Does every gene affect the phenotypic variation in every complex trait? [more]
As part of the GP write consortium, Romain Koszul is involved in rewriting the yeast (and other genomes). His lab engineers synthetic chromosomes and develops software to analyse 3D chromatin structure or to use Hi-C for genome assembly. With wet lab and computation, it’s fun for everyone! [more]

Déborah Bourc'his: Protect or program: the dichotomy of DNA methylation in spermatogenesis

DNA methylation is a prevalent epigenetic mark in mammalian genomes, with essential roles for development. Over the past years, our team has made significant contribution in understanding the role of this mark for spermatogenesis and male fertility. I will present our latest work that demonstrates that sperm production relies on a division of labor between two DNA methylation enzymes, with specialized and non-redundant functions in developing germ cells: transposon control or stem cell homeostasis. [more]
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