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Helping early-stage researchers lead projects with more confidence, more focus and less stress. [more]

Thomas Graf: From orchids to cell fate

Thomas has had an exceptionally prolific and diverse career, making fundamental discoveries on human leukemia viruses, co-discovering the first human oncogenes, and revealing molecular regulatory mechanisms of cellular differentiation ad reprogramming. [more]

Steven Henikoff: Genome-wide mapping of protein-DNA interaction dynamics

To attend the virtual lecture, please send us an email to the address above. You will receive a link on how to join timely before the lecture. [more]

Anne Grapin Botton: Pancreas organoids: a window into development and disease

To attend the virtual lecture, please send us an email to the address above. You will receive a link on how to join timely before the lecture. [more]

Mitchell Guttman: How IncRNAs Shape Nuclear Structure to Control Gene Expression

Mitchell Guttman is a Group Leader at the California Institute of Technology (Guttman Lab, lncRNA Biology, Pasadena, CA91125). [more]

Myriam Hemberger: The significance of the placenta for development and lifelong health

Once a PhD student at our institute herself, Myriam has pursued her interest in the development of the placenta. Her group focuses on establishing new cellular models, such as trophoblast stem cells and organoid models, to improve our understanding of the early stages of placental development and to study how defects in the placenta affect embryo development. [more]
A Wikipedia edit-a-thon to improve the visibility of women and other groups underrepresented in the life sciences [more]
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