
Room: Seminar room 1 Host: Kirsten Kelleher Location: MPI-MG

IMPRS Colloquium

IMPRS-CBSC Colloqium

IMPRS Colloquium

IMPRS-CBSC Colloqium

Work-Family-Management for Scientists

This workshop is aimed at scientists who are parents and want to reflect and improve the ways in which they cope with the competing needs of their family and their career. [more]

IMPRS Colloquium

IMPRS-CBSC Colloqium

IMPRS Colloquium

IMPRS-CBSC Colloqium
First nanocourse of the new IMPRS-BAC. Lectures followed by the opportunity to gain hands-on experience. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Effective Presentations

Enables Life Scientists to Present and Effectively Structure Their Scientific Research, Results and Other Materials. [more]
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