
Speaker: Science Craft Host: Anne-Dominique Gindrat

Transferable Skills Course: Scientific Writing

Transferable Skills Course: Scientific Writing

Transferable Skills Course: Proposal Writing

This workshop takes a practical approach to teaching researchers in the life sciences how to apply for third-party funding. [more]
Learning to write and respond to reviewers' comments are vital skills for early-career researchers to master if they wish to become established scientists. However, these skills are often neglected, forcing researchers to learn them by trial and error. By learning to address reviewers' comments, young researchers not only increase their chances of getting their work published but also learn to think critically about their own research. Equally, by becoming better reviewers, researchers can raise their profiles with journal editors. Becoming an invited reviewer for a prestigious journal is an opportunity for researchers to enhance their academic reputation and improve their career prospects. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Scientific Writing

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