
Publikationen von Alexander Meissner

Zeitschriftenartikel (82)

Hauswedell , H.; Hetzel, S.; Gottlieb , S. G.; Kretzmer, H.; Meissner, A.; Reinert, K.: Lambda3: homology search for protein, nucleotide, and bisulfite-converted sequences. Bioinformatics 40 (3), btae097 (2024)
Klever, M.-K.; Sträng , E.; Hetzel, S.; Jungnitsch, J.; Dolnik, A.; Schöpflin, R.; Schrezenmeier, J.-F.; Schick, F.; Blau, O.; Westermann, J. et al.; Rücker , F. G. ..; Xia, Z.; Döhner, K.; Schrezenmeier, H.; Spielmann, M.; Meissner, A.; Melo, U. S.; Mundlos, S.; Bullinger, L.: AML with complex karyotype: extreme genomic complexity revealed by combined long-read sequencing and Hi-C technology. Blood Advances 7 (21), S. 6520 - 6531 (2023)
Ravid Lustig, L.; Sampath Kumar, A.; Schwämmle, T.; Dunkel, I.; Noviello, G.; Limberg, E.; Weigert, R.; Pacini, G.; Buschow, R.; Ghauri, A. et al.; Stötzel, M.; Wittler, L.; Meissner, A.; Schulz, E. G.: GATA transcription factors drive initial Xist upregulation after fertilization through direct activation of long-range enhancers. Nature Cell Biology 25, S. 1704 - 1715 (2023)
Hoetker, M. S.; Yagi, M.; Di Stefano, B.; Langerman, J.; Cristea, S.; Ping Wong, L.; Huebner, A. J.; Charlton, J.; Deng, W.; Haggerty, C. et al.; Sadreyev, R. I.; Meissner, A.; Michor, F.; Plath, K.; Hochedlinger, K.: H3K36 methylation maintains cell identity by regulating opposing lineage programmes. Nature Cell Biology 25, S. 1121 - 1134 (2023)
Sampath Kumar, A.; Tian, L.; Bolondi, A.; Aragonés Hernández, A.; Stickels, R.; Kretzmer, H.; Murray, E.; Wittler, L.; Walther, M.; Barakat, G. et al.; Haut, L.; Elkabetz, Y.; Macosko, E. Z.; Guignard, L.; Chen, F.; Meissner, A.: Spatiotemporal transcriptomic maps of whole mouse embryos at the onset of organogenesis. Nature Genetics 55 (7), S. 1176 - 1185 (2023)
Guo, H.; Vuille, J. A.; Wittner, B. S.; Lachtara, E. M.; Hou, Y.; Lin, M.; Zhao, T.; Raman, A. T.; Russell, H. C.; Reeves, B. A. et al.; Pleskow, H. M.; Wu, C.-L.; Gnirke, A.; Meissner, A.; Efstathiou, J. A.; Lee, R. J.; Toner, M.; Aryee, M. J.; Lawrence, M. S.; Miyamoto, D. T.; Maheswaran, S.; Haber, D. A.: DNA hypomethylation silences anti-tumor immune genes in early prostate cancer and CTCs. Cell 186 (13), S. 2765 - 2782 (2023)
Weigert, R.; Hetzel, S.; Bailly, N.; Haggerty, C.; Ilik, I. A.; Kwong Yung, P. Y.; Navarro, C.; Bolondi, A.; Sampath Kumar, A.; Anania, C. et al.; Brändl, B.; Meierhofer, D.; Lupiáñez, D. G.; Müller, F.-J.; Aktas, T.; Elsässer, S. J.; Kretzmer, H.; Smith, Z. D.; Meissner, A.: Dynamic antagonism between key repressive pathways maintains the placental epigenome. Nature Cell Biology 25, S. 579 - 591 (2023)
Landshammer, A.; Bolondi, A.; Kretzmer, H.; Much, C.; Buschow, R.; Rose, A.; Wu, H.-J.; Mackowiak, S. D.; Braendl, B.; Gießelmann, P. et al.; Tornisiello, R.; Mohan Parsi, K.; Huey, J.; Mielke, T.; Meierhofer, D.; Maehr, R.; Hnisz, D.; Michor, F.; Rinn, J. L.; Meissner, A.: T-REX17 is a transiently expressed non-coding RNA essential for human endoderm formation. eLife 12, e83077 (2023)
Stevens , L. E.; Peluffo, G.; Qiu, X.; Temko , D.; Fassl , A.; Li , Z.; Trinh , A.; Seehawer, M.; Jovanovic, B.; Aleckovic , M. et al.; Wilde , C. M.; Geck, R. C.; Shu, S.; Kingston, N. L.; Harper, N. W.; Almendro, V.; Pyke, A. L.; Egri , S. B.; Papanastasiou, M.; Clement , K.; Zhou , N.; Walker, S.; Salas, J.; Park, S. Y.; Frank, D. A.; Meissner, A.; Jaffe , J. D.; Sicinski , P.; Toker, A.; Michor , F.; Long , H. W.; Overmoyer , B. A.; Polyak, K.: JAK-STAT signaling in inflammatory breast cancer enables chemotherapy-resistant cell states. Cancer research: an official organ of the American Association for Cancer Research 83 (2), S. 264 - 284 (2023)
Knisbacher, B. A.; Lin, Z.; Hahn, C. K.; Nadeu, F.; Duran-Ferrer, M.; Stevenson, K. E.; Tausch, E.; Delgado, J.; Barbera-Mourelle, A.; Taylor-Weiner, A. et al.; Bousquets-Muñoz, P.; Diaz-Navarro, A.; Dunford, A.; Anand, S.; Kretzmer, H.; Gutierrez-Abril, J.; López-Tamargo, S.; Fernandes, S. M.; Sun, C.; Sivina, M.; Rassenti, L. Z.; Schneider, C.; Li, S.; Parida, L.; Meissner, A.; Aguet , F.; Burger, J. A.; Wiestner, A.; Kipps, T. J.; Brown, J. R.; Hallek, M.; Stewart, C.; Neuberg, D. S.; Martín-Subero , J. I.; Puente, X. S.; Stilgenbauer, S.; Wu, C. J.; Campo, E.; Getz, G.: Molecular map of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and its impact on outcome. Nature Genetics 54, S. 1664 - 1674 (2022)
Ringel, A.; Szabo, Q.; Chiariello, A. M.; Chudzik, K.; Schöpflin, R.; Rothe, P.; Mattei, A. L.; Zehnder, T.; Harnett, D.; Laupert, V. et al.; Bianco, S.; Hetzel, S.; Glaser, J.; Phan, M. H. Q.; Schindler, M.; Ibrahim, D. M.; Paliou, C.; Esposito, A.; Prada-Medina, C. A.; Haas, S. A.; Giere, P.; Vingron, M.; Wittler, L.; Meissner, A.; Nicodemi, M.; Cavalli, G.; Bantignies, F.; Mundlos, S.; Robson, M. I.: Repression and 3D-restructuring resolves regulatory conflicts in evolutionarily rearranged genomes. Cell 185 (20), S. 3689 - 3704 (2022)
Landshammer, A.; Bolondi, A.; Kretzmer, H.; Much, C.; Buschow, R.; Rose, A.; Wu, H.-J.; Mackowiak, S.; Braendl, B.; Giesselmann, P. et al.; Tornisiello, R.; Mohan Parsi, K.; Huey, J.; Mielke, T.; Meierhofer, D.; Maehr, R.; Hnisz, D.; Michor, F.; Rinn, J. L.; Meissner, A.: Discovery and characterization of LNCSOX17 as an essential regulator in human endoderm formation. bioRxiv (Preprint Server) (angenommen)
Asimi, V.; Sampath Kumar, A.; Niskanen, H.; Riemenschneider, C.; Hetzel, S.; Naderi, J.; Fasching, N.; Popitsch, N.; Du, M.; Kretzmer, H. et al.; Smith, Z. D.; Weigert, R.; Walther, M.; Mamde, S.; Meierhofer, D.; Wittler, L.; Buschow, R.; Timmermann, B.; Cisse, I. I.; Ameres, S. L.; Meissner, A.; Hnisz, D.: Hijacking of transcriptional condensates by endogenous retroviruses. Nature Genetics 54, S. 1238 - 1247 (2022)
Yuan, W.; Ma, S.; Brown, J. R.; Kim, K.; Murek, V.; Trastulla, L.; Meissner, A.; Lodato, S.; Shetty, A. S.; Levin, J. Z. et al.; Buenrostro, J. D.; Ziller, M. J.; Arlotta, P.: Temporally divergent regulatory mechanisms govern neuronal diversification and maturation in the mouse and marmoset neocortex. Nature Neuroscience 25 (8), S. 1049 - 1058 (2022)
Mattei, A. L.; Bailly, N.; Meissner, A.: DNA methylation: a historical perspective. Trends in Genetics 38 (7), S. 676 - 707 (2022)
Hetzel, S.; Mattei, A. L.; Kretzmer, H.; Qu, C.; Chen, X.; Fan, Y.; Wu, G.; Roberts, K. G.; Luger, S.; Litzow, M. et al.; Rowe, J.; Paietta, E.; Stock, W.; Mardis, E. R.; Wilson, R. K.; Downing, J. R.; Mullighan, C. G.; Meissner, A.: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia displays a distinct highly methylated genome. Nature Cancer 3 (6), S. 768 - 782 (2022)
Pour, M.; Sampath Kumar, A.; Farag, N.; Bolondi, A.; Kretzmer, H.; Walther, M.; Wittler, L.; Meissner, A.; Nachman, I.: Emergence and patterning dynamics of mouse-definitive endoderm. iScience 25 (1), 103556 (2022)
Huang, Y.-H.; Chen, C.-W.; Sundaramurthy, V.; Słabicki, M.; Hao, D.; Watson, C. J.; Tovy, A.; Reyes, J. M.; Dakhova, O.; Crovetti, B. R. et al.; Galonska, C.; Lee, M.; Brunetti, L.; Zhou, Y.; Tatton-Brown, K.; Huang, Y.; Cheng, X.; Meissner, A.; Valk, P. J. M.; Van Maldergem, L.; Sanders, M. A.; Blundell, J. R.; Li, W.; Ebert, B. L.; Goodell, M. A.: Systematic profiling of DNMT3A variants reveals protein instability mediated by the DCAF8 E3 ubiquitin ligase adaptor. Cancer Discovery 12 (1), S. 220 - 235 (2022)
Blanco, M. A.; Sykes, D. B.; Gu, L.; Wu, M.; Petroni, R.; Karnik, R.; Wawer, M.; Rico, J.; Li, H.; Jacobus, W. D. et al.; Jambhekar, A.; Cheloufi, S.; Meissner, A.; Hochedlinger, K.; Scadden, D. T.; Shi, Y.: Chromatin-state barriers enforce an irreversible mammalian cell fate decision. Cell Reports 37 (6), 109967 (2021)
Andergassen, D.; Smith, Z. D.; Kretzmer, H.; Rinn, J. L.; Meissner, A.: Diverse epigenetic mechanisms maintain parental imprints within the embryonic and extraembryonic lineages. Developmental Cell 56 (21), e4, S. 2995 - 3005 (2021)
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