Dr. Stefan Haas
Vingron Lab
Research interest
Recent topics
- detection of driver mutations in cancer
- detection of causal mutation in X-linked intellectual disability
- development of algorithms/tools for efficient analysis of NGS data
Former topics
- tissue-specific gene regulation
- alternative promoters
- alternative splicing
- EST clustering
- large scale primer design
Curriculum vitae
- 01/2001 - today: Project leader (Sequencing & Genomics) at the Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Dept. of Computational Molecular Biology, Berlin, Germany
- 06/1999 - 12/2000: Postdoc at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
- 1999: PhD in bioinformatics, Theoretical Bioinformatics, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany;
supervisors: Annemarie Poustka, Martin Vingron, Eckhardt Fuchs
Thesis: Automated design of oligodesoxynucleotide primers for high-throughput sequencing (in German) - 1995: Diploma in biology, University of Heidelberg, Germany;
supervisor: Helmut Kettenmann
Thesis: Electrophysiological analysis of ATP-receptors in isolated ameboid microglia derived from acute mouse brain slices (in German)