The IMPRS board is the major decision-making and controlling instance of the IMPRS-BAC. Currently, it consists of seven members: two MPIMG faculty representatives (Alexander Meissner and Martin Vingron), two FUB faculty representatives (Petra Knaus and Knut Reinert), two elected doctoral representatives (currently Laura Schmidt and Niloufar Yousefi) and the programme coordinator (Anne-Dominique Gindrat). All members have voting rights. The board meets at least twice a year and is primarily concerned with the quality control of the IMPRS-BAC: It decides on changes in rules and regulations of the school, the collaboration with other institutions and the composition of the faculty. It reviews and oversees the development of the curriculum and the formation of TAC committees. The board also discusses suggestions by faculty members and doctoral candidates and makes the necessary decisions, which are communicated to doctoral candidates and faculty members. The changes are primarily implemented by the IMPRS coordinator.
Currently, Martin Vingron (MPIMG) is the spokesperson and Knut Reinert (FU-MCS) his deputy. The spokesperson is responsible for the general conduct of the graduate school, chairs board and faculty meetings, and the spokespeople represent the IMPRS-BAC towards the MPG and FUB, as well as outside.