Extended IMPRS-BAC board and new IMPRS-BAC speaker
On 30.09.2024, the IMPRS-BAC faculty elected 4 new board members: Tugce Aktas (MPIMG), Florian Heyd (FU-BCP), Edda Schulz (MPIMG) and Max von Kleist (FU-MI). They join the seven existing members: Petra Knaus (FU-BCP), Alexander Meissner (MPIMG), Knut Reinert (FU-MI), Martin Vingron (MPIMG), two elected doctoral representatives (currently Laura Schmidt and Niloufar Yousefi) and the programme coordinator (Anne-Dominique Gindrat).
The new IMPRS board also elected a new speaker. Congratulations to Alexander Meissner, the new speaker from January 1, 2025. He succeeds Martin Vingron, who has held the position since 2005.