Entries to the MPG Publication Repository
Journal Article (93)
Journal Article
43 (10), 114846 (2024)
SRF promotes long-range chromatin loop formation and stem cell pluripotency. Cell Reports 2.
Journal Article
15 (1), 7027 (2024)
Mutant huntingtin impairs neurodevelopment in human brain organoids through CHCHD2-mediated neurometabolic failure. Nature Communications 3.
Journal Article
15 (1), 4879 (2024)
Protein translation rate determines neocortical neuron fate. Nature Communications 4.
Journal Article
Uncovering the dynamics and consequences of RNA isoform changes during neuronal differentiation. Molecular Systems Biology (2024)
Journal Article
25 (4), pp. 1814 - 1834 (2024)
N4-acetylcytidine (ac4C) promotes mRNA localization to stress granules. EMBO Reports 6.
Journal Article
626 (8001), pp. 1116 - 1124 (2024)
Autonomous transposons tune their sequences to ensure somatic suppression. Nature 7.
Journal Article
9 (92), eadi9575 (2024)
Disrupted degradative sorting of TLR7 is associated with human lupus. Science Immunology 8.
Journal Article
14 (2), 241 (2024)
CLPP-Null Eukaryotes with Excess Heme Biosynthesis Show Reduced L-arginine Levels, Probably via CLPX-Mediated OAT Activation. Biomolecules 9.
Journal Article
26 (2), pp. 181 - 193 (2024)
FOXO1-mediated lipid metabolism maintains mammalian embryos in dormancy. Nature Cell Biology 10.
Journal Article
30 (12), pp. 1958 - 1969 (2023)
Rational optimization of a transcription factor activation domain inhibitor. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology