Nanocourse: Compact Data Structures
- Start: Sep 2, 2019 01:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Sep 3, 2019 02:30 PM
- Speaker: Knut Reinert
- Location: MPI-MG
- Room: Seminar room 4
- Host: Kirsten Kelleher
Second nanocourse of the new IMPRS-BAC. Lectures followed by the opportunity to gain hands-on experience.
Please register for this course by emailing
Compact Data Structures have become essential in bioinformatics to deal with large scale genomics data.
In this course we
* introduce the participants to basic concepts and problems in the field
* exemplify how to think about representing your data compactly
* give some small hands-on examples of the usual time/space tradeoffs when working with implementations (on the second day)
Prerequisites: No fear of computers. Basic C/C++ knowledge. Basic algorithm knowledge.
We will most likely use the SDSL library (
A good source of reading (which is online available for free) is: Gonzalo Navarro, Compact Data Structures (