EZproxy "Travel Magic"
Remote access to electronic resources - articles, e-journals, e-books, databases for literature retrieval.
Interlibrary Loan (papers, books)
You can order papers and books by completing the interlibrary loan form. Articles will be delivered as pdf-files - if this is not possible, you will get a print version. In case of a book order you will get a message to pick it up in the library office.
MPG Citation Linker
The Citation Linker provides a central starting point for your research. With SFX you see immediately whether the item is available electronically and if so, link directly to the full text.
Journal Citation Reports
With JCR you can identify the most appropriate, influential journals in which to publish. It is a tool to rank thousands of scholary and professional journals within their discipline or subdiscipline.
Research Evaluation
Hirsch-Index, Journal Impact Factor, Bibliometrics in evaluation of research
oaDOI Resolver
Looks for a free version of an article.