Max-Planck-ForschungsgruppeHochauflösende Funktionelle Genomik

Publikationen von Lion Raaz

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Raaz, L.; Mendez, P.-L.; Mundlos, S.; Knaus, P.; Jatzlau, J.: Protocol for chromatin accessibility profiling of human endothelial cells cultured under fluid shear stress using ATAC-seq. STAR Protocols 5 (1), 102859 (2024)
Jatzlau, J.; Mendez, P.-L.; Altay, A.; Raaz, L.; Zhang, Y.; Mähr, S.; Sesver, A.; Reichenbach, M.; Mundlos, S.; Vingron, M. et al.; Knaus, P.: Fluid shear stress-modulated chromatin accessibility reveals the mechano-dependency of endothelial SMAD1/5-mediated gene transcription. iScience 26 (9), 107405 (2023)

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