Sequencing Facility

Publikationen von D. Seelow

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Baasanjav, S.; Al-Gazali, L.; Hashiguchi, T.; Mizumoto, S.; Fischer, B.; Horn, D.; Seelow, D.; Ali, B. R.; Aziz, S. A.; Langer, R. et al.; Saleh, A. A.; Becker, C.; Nurnberg, G.; Cantagrel, V.; Gleeson, J. G.; Gomez, D.; Michel, J. B.; Stricker, S.; Lindner, T. H.; Nurnberg, P.; Sugahara, K.; Mundlos, S.; Hoffmann, K.: Faulty initiation of proteoglycan synthesis causes cardiac and joint defects. Am J Hum Genet 89 (1), S. 15 - 27 (2011)
Robinson, P. N.; Köhler, S.; Bauer, S.; Seelow, D.; Horn, D.; Mundlos, S.: The Human Phenotype Ontology: A Tool for Annotating and Analyzing Human Hereditary Disease. The American Journal of Human Genetics 83 (5), S. 610 - 615 (2008)
Michalk1, A.; Stricker, S.; Becker, J.; Rupps, R.; Pantzar, T.; Miertus, J.; Botta, G.; Naretto, V. G.; Janetzki, C.; Yaqoob, N. et al.; Ott, C.-E.; Seelow, D.; Wieczorek, D.; Fiebig, B.; Wirth, B.; Hoopmann, M.; Walther, M.; Körber, F.; Blankenburg, M.; Mundlos, S.; Heller, R.; Hoffmann, K.: Acetylcholine receptor pathway mutations explain various fetal akinesia deformation sequence disorders. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 82 (2), S. 464 - 476 (2008)
Seelow, D.; Galli, R.; Mebus, S.; Sperling, H.-P.; Lehrach, H.; Sperling, S.: d-matrix – database exploration, visualization and analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 5, S. 168 - 168 (2004)
Kaynak, B.; von Heydebreck, A.; Mebus, S.; Seelow, D.; Hennig, S.; Vogel, J.; Sperling, H.-P.; Pregla, R.; Alexi-Meskishvili, V.; Hetzer, R. et al.; Lange, P. E.; Vingron, M.; Lehrach, H.; Sperling, S.: Genome-wide array analysis of normal and malformed human hearts. Circulation 107 (19), S. 2467 - 2474 (2003)

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