Scientific Coordination

The Scientific Coordination team consists of several colleagues at the interface between science and administration. It's task is to support the scientific staff of the Institute in recruiting PhD students, press and public relations, library services and another services. It also organizes animal welfare and provides event support.

The PhD coordination office is the central contact point for all current and prospective doctoral candidates at the MPIMG and in our doctoral programme International Max Planck Research School for Biology And Computation (IMPRS-BAC).  [more]
The press & public relations office is the central contact point for all questions regarding the Institute and its scientific work. We publish news and information about events and other activities at the Institute, establish contacts with our scientists for interviews or inquiries and organize visits to the MPIMG. [more]
The library is a special scientific library. Its main responsibility is to offer the scientific literature covering the research areas of the MPI for Molecular Genetics as comprehensively as possible primarily to the institute's staff. The library offers various methods for researching and acquiring scientific information and gives access to important electronic resources like e-journals, e-books and databases. [more]
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