Home Research at the MPIMG Schulz Lab Funding Funding DFG Priority Programme „Spatial Genome Architecture in Development and Disease” (SPP 2202) (2023 – 2025) European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (2021-2026) Lise Meitner Excellence Program (since 2020) Max Planck Research Group Leader Program (2015-2020) E:Bio Junior group leader Program (2016-2021) HFSP Career Development Award (2019-2021) GRK1772 “Computational Systems Biology” (2016-2020) Berlin-Duke IRTG2403 “Dissecting and reengineeringthe regulatory genome” (2019-2023) Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) “PEP-NET – Predictive Epigenetics: Fusing Theory and Experiment” (2019-2022)