Meissner Lab - Publikationsliste

Zeitschriftenartikel (14)

Blanco, M. A.; Sykes, D. B.; Gu, L.; Wu, M.; Petroni, R.; Karnik, R.; Wawer, M.; Rico, J.; Li, H.; Jacobus, W. D. et al.; Jambhekar, A.; Cheloufi, S.; Meissner, A.; Hochedlinger, K.; Scadden, D. T.; Shi, Y.: Chromatin-state barriers enforce an irreversible mammalian cell fate decision. Cell Reports 37 (6), 109967 (2021)
Andergassen, D.; Smith, Z. D.; Kretzmer, H.; Rinn, J. L.; Meissner, A.: Diverse epigenetic mechanisms maintain parental imprints within the embryonic and extraembryonic lineages. Developmental Cell 56 (21), e4, S. 2995 - 3005 (2021)
Hetzel, S.; Gießelmann, P.; Reinert, K.; Meissner, A.; Kretzmer, H.: RLM: Fast and simplified extraction of Read-Level Methylation metrics from bisulfite sequencing data. Bioinformatics 37 (21), S. 3934 - 3935 (2021)
Gu, H.; Raman, A. T.; Wang, X.; Gaiti, F.; Chaligne, R.; Mohammad, A. W.; Arczewska, A. A.; Smith, Z. D.; Landau, D. A.; Aryee, M. J. et al.; Meissner, A.; Gnirke, A.: Smart-RRBS for single-cell methylome and transcriptome analysis. Nature Protocols 16, S. 4004 - 4030 (2021)
Yagi , M.; Ji, F.; Charlton, J.; Cristea, S.; Messemer, K.; Horwitz, N.; Di Stefano, B.; Tsopoulidis, N.; Hoetker, M. S.; Huebner, A. J. et al.; Bar-Nur, O.; Almada, A. E.; Yamamoto, M.; Patelunas, A.; Goldhamer, D. J.; Wagers, A. J.; Michor, F.; Meissner, A.; Sadreyev, R. I.; Hochedlinger, K.: Dissecting dual roles of MyoD during lineage conversion to mature myocytes and myogenic stem cells. Genes and Development 35 (17-18), S. 1209 - 1228 (2021)
Wu, H.-J.; Landshammer, A.; Stamenova, E. K.; Bolondi, A.; Kretzmer, H.; Meissner, A.; Michor, F.: Topological isolation of developmental regulators in mammalian genomes. Nature Communications 12, 4897 (2021)
Bulut-Karslioglu, A.; Jin, H.; Kim, Y.-K.; Cho, B.; Guzman-Ayala, M.; Williamson, A. J. K.; Hejna, M.; Stötzel, M.; Whetton, A. D.; Song, J. S. et al.; Ramalho-Santos, M.: Chd1 protects genome integrity at promoters to sustain hypertranscription in embryonic stem cells. Nature Communications 12, 4859 (2021)
Haggerty, C.; Kretzmer, H.; Riemenschneider, C.; Sampath Kumar, A.; Mattei, A. L.; Bailly, N.; Gottfreund, J.; Giesselmann, P.; Weigert, R.; Brändl, B. et al.; Giehr, P.; Buschow, R.; Galonska, C.; von Meyenn, F.; Pappalardi, M. B.; McCabe, M. T.; Wittler, L.; Giesecke-Thiel, C.; Mielke, T.; Meierhofer, D.; Timmermann, B.; Müller, F.-J.; Walter, J.; Meissner, A.: Dnmt1 has de novo activity targeted to transposable elements. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 28 (7), S. 594 - 603 (2021)
Bolondi, A.; Haut, L.; Gassaloglu, S. I.; Burton, P.; Kretzmer, H.; Buschow, R.; Meissner, A.; Herrmann, B. G.; Veenvliet, J. V.: Generation of Mouse Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Trunk-like Structures: An in vitro Model of Post-implantation Embryogenesis. Bio-protocol 11 (11), e4042 (2021)
Adane, B.; Alexe, G.; Seong, B. K. A.; Lu, D.; Hwang, E. E.; Hnisz, D.; Lareau, C. A.; Ross, L.; Lin, S.; Dela Cruz, F. S. et al.; Richardson, M.; Weintraub, A. S.; Wang, S.; Balboni Iniguez, A.; Dharia, N. V.; Saur Conway, A.; Robichaud, A. L.; Tanenbaum, B.; Krill-Burger, J. M.; Vazquez, F.; Schenone, M.; Berman, J. N.; Kung, A. L.; Carr, S. A.; Aryee, M. J.; Young, R. A.; Crompton, B. D.; Stegmaier, K.: STAG2 loss rewires oncogenic and developmental programs to promote metastasis in Ewing sarcoma. Cancer Cell 39 (6), S. 827 - 844 (2021)
Rossmann, M. P.; Hoi, K.; Chan, V.; Abraham, B. J.; Yang, S.; Mullahoo, J.; Papanastasiou, M.; Wang, Y.; Elia, I.; Perlin, J. R. et al.; Hagedorn, E. J.; Hetzel, S.; Weigert, R.; Vyas, S.; Nag, P. P.; Sullivan, L. B.; Warren, C. R.; Dorjsuren, B.; Custo Greig, E.; Adatto, I.; Cowan, C. A.; Schreiber, S. L.; Young, R. A.; Meissner, A.; Haigis, M. C.; Hekimi, S.; Carr, S. A.; Zon, L. I.: Cell-specific transcriptional control of mitochondrial metabolism by TIF1γ drives erythropoiesis. Science 372 (6543), S. 716 - 721 (2021)
Pan, H.; Renaud, L.; Chaligne, R.; Bloehdorn, J.; Tausch, E.; Mertens, D.; Fink, A. M.; Fischer, K.; Zhang, C.; Betel, D. et al.; Gnirke, A.; Imielinski, M.; Moreaux, J.; Hallek, M.; Meissner, A.; Stilgenbauer, S.; Wu, C. J.; Elemento, O.; Landau, D. A.: Discovery of candidate DNA methylation cancer driver genes. Cancer Discovery 2021, 20-1334 (2021)
Hübschmann, D.; Kleinheinz, K.; Wagener, R.; Bernhart, S. H.; López, C.; Toprak, U. H.; Sungalee, S.; Ishaque, N.; Kretzmer, H.; Kreuz, M. et al.; Waszak, S. M.; Paramasivam, N.; Ammerpohl, O.; Aukema, S. M.; Beekman, R.; Bergmann, A. K.; Bieg, M.; Binder, H.; Borkhardt, A.; Borst, C.; Brors, B.; Bruns, P.; de Santa Pau, E. C.; Claviez, A.; Doose, G.; Haake, A.; Karsch, D.; Haas, S.; Hansmann, M.-L.; Hoell, J. I.; Hovestadt, V.; Huang, B.; Hummel, M.; Jäger-Schmidt, C.; Kerssemakers, J. N. A.; Korbel, J. O.; Kube, D.; Lawerenz, C.; Lenze, D.; Martens, J. H. A.; Ott, G.; Radlwimmer, B.; Reisinger, E.; Richter, J.; Rico, D.; Rosenstiel, P.; Rosenwald, A.; Schillhabel, M.; Stilgenbauer, S.; Stadler, P. F.; Martín-Subero, J. I.; Szczepanowski, M.; Warsow, G.; Weniger, M. A.; Zapatka, M.; Valencia, A.; Stunnenberg, H. G.; Lichter, P.; Möller, P.; Loeffler, M.; Eils, R.; Klapper, W.; Hoffmann, S.; Trümper, L.; ICGC MMML-Seq consortium; ICGC DE-Mining consortium; BLUEPRINT consortium; Küppers, R.; Schlesner, M.; Siebert, R.: Mutational mechanisms shaping the coding and noncoding genome of germinal center derived B-cell lymphomas. Leukemia: the Journal of Normal and Malignant Hemopoiese ; Official Journal of the Leukemia Research Fund U.K. 2021 (2021)
Kretzmer, H.; Biran, A.; Purroy, N.; Lemvigh, C. K.; Clement, K.; Gruber, M.; Gu, H.; Rassenti, L.; Mohammad, A. W.; Lesnick, C. et al.; Slager, S. L.; Braggio, E.; Shanafelt, T. D.; Kay, N. E.; Fernandes, S. M.; Brown, J. R.; Wang, L.; Li, S.; Livak, K. J.; Neuberg, D. S.; Klages, S.; Timmermann, B.; Kipps, T. J.; Campo, E.; Gnirke, A.; Wu, C. J.; Meissner, A.: Pre-neoplastic alterations define CLL DNA methylome and persist through disease progression and therapy. Blood Cancer Discovery 2 (1), S. 54 - 69 (2021)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
van der Weijden, V.; Bulut-Karslioglu, A.: Molecular Regulation of Paused Pluripotency in Early Mammalian Embryos and Stem Cells. (2021)

Preprint (2)

Ringel, A.; Szabo, Q.; Chiariello, A. M.; Chudzik, K.; Schöpflin, R.; Rothe, P.; Mattei, A. L.; Zehnder, T.; Harnett, D.; Laupert, V. et al.; Bianco, S.; Hetzel, S.; Phan, M.; Schindler, M.; Ibrahim, D. M.; Paliou, C.; Esposito, A.; Prada-Medina, C. A.; Haas, S.; Giere, P.; Vingron, M.; Wittler, L.; Meissner, A.; Nicodemi, M.; Cavalli, G.; Bantignies, F.; Mundlos, S.; Robson, M.: Promoter repression and 3D-restructuring resolves divergent developmental gene expression in TADs. (2021)
Ambrozkiewicz, M. C.; Borisova, E.; Newman, A. G.; Kraushar, M. L.; Schaub, T.; Dannenberg, R.; Brockmann, M.; Rosário, M.; Turko, P.; Jahn, O. et al.; Kaplan, D. R.; Iwawaki, T.; Spahn, C. M. T.; Rosenmund, C.; Tarabykin, V.: Ire1α-Regulated Rate of mRNA Translation is Required for Acquisition of Identity and Polarity in Upper Layer Cortical Neurons. (2021)
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