Preprint (5)

Graziadei, A.; Schildhauer, F.; Spahn, C.; Kraushar, M.; Rappsilber, J.: SARS-CoV-2 Nsp1 N-terminal and linker regions as a platform for host translational shutoff. (2022)
Ravid-Lustig, L.; Sampath Kumar, A.; Schwämmle, T.; Dunkel, I.; Noviello, G.; Weigert, R.; Pacini, G.; Buschow, R.; Ghauri, A.; Stötzel, M. et al.; Wittler, L.; Meissner, A.; Schulz, E. G.: GATA transcription factors drive initial Xist upregulation after fertilization through direct activation of a distal enhancer element. (2022)
Ambrozkiewicz, M. C.; Borisova, E.; Newman, A. G.; Kraushar, M.; Schaub, T.; Dannenberg, R.; Brockmann, M.; Rosário, M.; Turko, P.; Jahn, O. et al.; Kaplan, D. R.; Iwawaki, T.; Spahn, C. M. T.; Rosenmund, C.; Tarabykin, V.: Ire1a-Regulated mRNA Translation Rate Controls the Identity and Polarity of Upper Layer Cortical Neurons. (2022)
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