Lectures & Talks

Location: Seminarraum SI, Turm 3

Seminar mit Aydan Bulut-Karslioglu

"Chromatin regulation by cell growth, in proliferation and in pause" [more]

Seminar: "Rules and Roles of Non-coding Transcription"

"Rules and Roles of Non-coding Transcription" [more]

Seminar mit Prof. Stephen Keyse

"Dual-specificity MAP kinase Phosphatases: important modulators of oncogenic signalling through the Ras/ERK pathway" [more]

Seminar: "TGF-beta family signaling in cancer"

"TGF-beta family signaling in cancer" [more]


Characterizing embryonic regulatory landscapes using lineage-specific DNase-Seq and single-cell ATAC-Seq [more]
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