Otto Warburg International Summer School and Research Symposium on Epigenetics and Regulation
Otto Warburg Summer School
- Start: Sep 2, 2018
- End: Sep 7, 2018
- Location: MPI-MG
- Room: Seminar room 1
The summer school will include tutorial style lectures and research talks by invited speakers as well as contributed talks from selected participants. It provides ample opportunity for interaction between lecturers and PhD students in a relaxed and friendly environment, and foster an atmosphere of scientific discussion across disciplines (including molecular biology, bioinformatics, biological physics, mathematics) between PhD students, Postdocs and speakers.
Scientific Coordinators:
Sebastiaan Meijsing, Alex Meissner, Martin Vingron
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
We invite applications from PhD students and Postdocs before the 30th of June, 2018 .The registration fee is 700 Eur, or 350 Eur for Berlin-based participants. The registration fee covers daily meals, accommodation, social events at the school but not travel and other personal expenses.