Home Scientific Services Sequencing Instrumentation Instrumentation Sequencing Systems Illumina NovaSeq 6000 Production-scale system, up to 6000 gigabases and 10 billion fragments per run in 2 days maximum read length 2 x 150 bases (paired end) based on a sequencing by synthesis principle and patterned flow cells highly flexible system by multiple flow cell types (S1-S4) NextSeq 2000 high-output system, up to 330 GB sequencing output per run in 2 days Maximum read length 2 x 150 b (paired end reads) Integrated data analysis (Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform) NextSeq 500 very fast system for midsize-range projects, up to 120 gigabases and 400 million fragments per run in 30 hours maximum read length 2 x 150 bases sequencing by synthesis principle and a dual color chemistry MiSeq Flexible benchtop system, up to 15 GB sequencing output up to 25 million fragments per run in 2.5 days Maximum read length 2 x 300 b (paired end reads) iSeq 100 smallest Illumina sequencing system yields up to 4mio fragments (8mio PE reads) for library testing or amplicon sequencing Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) PacBio Sequel II single molecule system with a read length up to 200 kb sequencing up to 16 SMRT cells per run many applications, e.g. de novo genome sequencing, full length transcriptome analysis or analysis of structural variations Additional Equipment (Sequencing Pipeline) BluePippin from Sage Science Targeted Size Selection for Next-Gen Sequencing (90bp - 50kb) Spri-Te from Beckman Coulter Nucleic Acid Extractor Biomek NX from Beckmann Coulter 384 Channel Liquid Handling System Nimbus from Hamilton System for automated emPCR Emulsion Breaking, Enrichment & Primer Annealing for the Roche GS Junior System LightCycler 480 Real-Time PCR System from Roche System for NGS library Quantification Equipment for MPIMG Users (supervised by SeqCore) Chromium Controller from 10x Genomics YY Location: Tower 4 - Room 0,106 Fragment Analyzer from Advanced Analytical (Agilent) YY Location: Tower 4 - Room 0,104 2100 Bioanalyzer from Agilent Technologies Lab-on-a-Chip nucleic acid and protein analysis with preformatted chipsLocation: Tower 4 - Room 0,104 7900HT Real-Time PCR Systems from Applied Biosystems System for 96-/384-well qPCR Location: Tower 4 - Room 0,104 QuantStudio 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System from Applied Biosystems Systems for 96/384-well qPCR Location: Tower 4 - Room 1,103 more StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR System from Applied Biosystems System for 96-well qPCRLocation: Tower 4 - Room 1,103