Home Research at the MPIMG Aktas Lab Lab-Photos Lab Photos Lab Christmas Dinner & Secret Santa 2023 Lab Christmas Dinner & Secret Santa 2023 Snow pig made by Aktas lab (Ibrahim, Lisa, Michal, Tugce and Petar) Snow pig made by Aktas lab (Ibrahim, Lisa, Michal, Tugce and Petar) Theresa’s Master defense (Laura, Michal, Theresa, Lisa N., Lisa M., Petar and Ibrahim) Theresa’s Master defense (Laura, Michal, Theresa, Lisa N., Lisa M., Petar and Ibrahim) Theresa’s Master defense (Theresa and Tugce) Theresa’s Master defense (Theresa and Tugce) Lab Christmas Dinner & Secret Santa 2022 Lab Christmas Dinner & Secret Santa 2022 Institute Halloween Party 2022 - The Office inspired (Front: Theresa, Lisa, Omer, Tugce. Back: Petar, Ibrahim, Michal) Institute Halloween Party 2022 - The Office inspired (Front: Theresa, Lisa, Omer, Tugce. Back: Petar, Ibrahim, Michal) First group photo-2019 (Ibrahim, Tugce, Claudia, Michal and Kate) First group photo-2019 (Ibrahim, Tugce, Claudia, Michal and Kate)