List of publications


Ilik I.A., Glazar P., Tse K., Brändl B., Meierhofer D., Müller F.J., Smith Z.D., Aktaş T. Autonomous transposons tune their sequences to ensure somatic suppression. Nature 2024

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Stötzel, M., Cheng, C.Y., IIik, I.A., Kumar, A.S., Omgba, P.A., van der Weijden, V.A., Zhang, Y., Vingron, M., Meissner, A., Aktaş, T., Kretzmer, H., Bulut-Karslioglu, A. TET activity safeguards pluripotency throughout embryonic dormancy. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2024

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Kellner, M., Hörmann, J., Fackler, S., Yuanyu, H., Tielin, Z., Lin, L., Ilik, I., Aktas, T., Feederle, R., Hauck, S.M. and Gires, O. The nuclear speckles protein SRRM2 is a new therapeutic target molecule on the surface of cancer cells. bioRxiv 2024

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 Weigert, R., Hetzel, S., Bailly, N., Haggerty, C., Ilik, I.A., Yung, P.Y.K., Navarro, C., Bolondi, A., Kumar, A.S., Anania, C. and Brändl, B., Meierhofer D., Lupiáñez D.G., Müller F.J., Aktaş T., Elsässer S.J., Kretzmer H., Smith Z.D., Meissner A. Dynamic antagonism between key repressive pathways maintains the placental epigenome. Nature Cell Biology 2023

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Aktaş T. Transposons: Catch them if you can. Journal Club, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 2022

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Bergfort, A., Hilal, T., Kuropka, B., Ilik, İ, Weber, G., Aktaş, T., Freund, C., Wahl, M. The intrinsically disordered TSSC4 protein acts as a helicase inhibitor, placeholder and multi-interaction coordinator during snRNP assembly and recycling. Nucleic Acid Research 2022

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Bergfort, A., Preussner, M., Kuropka, B., Ilik, İ., Hilal, T., Weber, G., Freund, C., Aktas, T., Heyd, F. and Wahl, M. A multi-factor trafficking site on the spliceosomal remodeling enzyme, BRR2, recruits C9ORF78 to regulate alternative splicing. Nature Communications 2022

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Ilık, İ.A and Aktaş, T., Nuclear speckles: dynamic hubs of gene expression regulation. State-Of-The-Art Review, The FEBS Journal 2021

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Ilık, İ.A., Malszycki, M., Lübke, A.K., Schade, C., Meierhofer, D. and Aktaş, T., 2020 SON and SRRM2 are essential for nuclear speckle formation. eLife 2020

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Ilik I.A., Aktaş T., Maticzka D., Backofen R., Akhtar A., 2019. FLASH: ultra-fast protocol to identify RNA-protein interactions in cells. Nucleic Acids Research 2019

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Before 2019

Basilicata M.F., Bruel A.* , Semplicio G.*, Valsecchi-Keller C.*, Aktas T.* Duffourd Y., Rumpf T., Morton J., Gilissen C., El Chehadeh-Djebbar S., van der Burgt I., Pfundt R., Brunner H., Cho M., Vanakker O., Menten B., Vergult S., Lindstrom K., Reis A., Johnson D., Fryer A., McKay V., The DDD study , Fisher R., Thauvin-Robinet C., Faivre L., Kalscheuer V., Thevenon J., Akhtar A.; De novo mutations of MSL3 cause a novel X-linked syndrome marked by impaired histone H4 lysine 16 acetylation, Nature Genetics 2018
*equal contribution

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Maticzka D.*, Ilik I.A.*, Aktas T.*, Backofen R., Akhtar A.; uvCLAP: a fast, non-radioactive method to identify in vivo targets of RNA-binding proteins Nature Communication 2018
*equal contribution

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Aktas T.*; Ilik I.A.*; Maticzka D.; Bhardwaj V.; Rodrigues C.P.; Manke T.; Backofen R.; Akhtar A. DHX9 suppresses RNA processing defects originating from the Alu invasion of human genome. Nature 2017
* equal contribution

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Symmons O.; Pan L.; Remeseiro S.; Aktas T.; Klein F.; Huber W.; Spitz F. The Shh topological domain facilitates the action of remote enhancers by reducing the effects of genomic distances. Developmental Cell 2016

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Chelmicki T.; Dündar F.; Turley M.J.*; Khanam T.*; Aktas T.*; Ramirez F.; Gendrel A.V.; Wright P.R.; Videm P.; Manke T.; Backofen R.; Akhtar A. MOF-associated complexes ensure stem cell identity and Xist repression. eLife 2014
* equal contribution

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Rowe H.M.; Friedli M.; Offner S.; Verp S.; Mesnard D.; Marquis J.; Aktas T. Trono D.; De novo DNA methylation of endogenous retroviruses is shaped by KRAB-ZFPs/KAP1 and ESET, Development 2013

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Marinic M.; Aktas T.; Ruf S.; Spitz F.; An integrated holo-enhancer unit defines tissue and gene specificity of the Fgf8 regulatory landscape. Developmental Cell 2013

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Rowe H.M.; Jakobsson J.; Mesnard D.; Rougemont J.; Reynard S.; Aktas T.; Maillard P.V.; Layard-Liesching H.; Verp S.; Marquis J.; Spitz F.; Constam D.B.,Trono D. KAP1 controls endogenous retroviruses in embryonic stem cells. Nature 2010

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