Abteilung Bioinformatik

Publikationen von A. Steininger

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Thorwarth, A.; Schnittert-Hübener, S.; Schrumpf, P.; Müller, I.; Jyrch, S.; Dame, C.; Biebermann, H.; Kleinau, G.; Katchanov, J.; Schuelke, M. et al.; Ebert, G.; Steininger, A.; Bonnemann, C.; Brockmann, K.; Christen, H. J.; Crock, P.; deZegher, F.; Griese, M.; Hewitt, J.; Ivarsson, S.; Hübner, C.; Kapelari, K.; Plecko, B.; Rating, D.; Stoeva, I.; Ropers, H. H.; Grüters, A.; Ullmann, R.; Krude, H.: Comprehensive genotyping and clinical characterisation reveal 27 novel NKX2-1 mutations and expand the phenotypic spectrum. Journal of Medical Genetics 51 (6), S. 375 - 387 (2014)
Ebert, G.; Steininger, A.; Weissmann, R.; Boldt, V.; Lind-Thomsen, A.; Grune, J.; Badelt, S.; Hessler, M.; Peiser, M.; Hitzler, M. et al.; Jensen, L. R.; Müller, I.; Hu, H.; Arndt, P. F.; Kuss, A. W.; Tebel, K.; Ullmann, R.: Distribution of segmental duplications in the context of higher order chromatin organisation of human chromosome 7. BMC Genomics 15, S. 15:537 - 15:537 (2014)
Steininger, A.; Mobs, M.; Ullmann, R.; Kochert, K.; Kreher, S.; Lamprecht, B.; Anagnostopoulos, I.; Hummel, M.; Richter, J.; Beyer, M. et al.; Janz, M.; Klemke, C. D.; Stein, H.; Dorken, B.; Sterry, W.; Schrock, E.; Mathas, S.; Assaf, C.: Genomic loss of the putative tumor suppressor gene E2A in human lymphoma. J Exp Med 208 (8), S. 1585 - 93 (2011)
Semerci, C. N.; Cinbis, M.; Ullmann, R.; Steininger, A.; Bahce, M.; Yagci, B.; Ozden, S.; Sabir, N.; Gumus, D.; Tepeli, E. et al.; Arteaga, J.; Mutchinick, O. M.: Subtelomeric 6p monosomy and 12q trisomy in a patient with a 46,XX,der(6)t(6;12)(p25.3;q24.31) karyotype: Phenotypic overlap with Mutchinick syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 152A (7), S. 1724 - 1729 (2010)
Muradyan, A.; Boldt, V.; Steininger, A.; Stabentheiner, S.; Tebel, K.; Kreutzberger, J.; Müller, I.; Madle, H.; Popper, H. H.; Ullmann, R.: An integrative approach for analyzing the interplay of genetic and epigenetic changes in tumors. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 132 (10), S. 1557 - 1561 (2008)
Muradyan, A.; Boldt, V.; Steininger, A.; Stabentheiner, S.; Tebel, K.; Kreutzberger, J.; Müller, I.; Madle, H.; Popper, H. H.; Ullmann, R.: An integrative approach for analyzing the interplay of genetic and epigenetic changes in tumors. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 132 (10), S. 1557 - 1561 (2008)

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