Abteilung Bioinformatik

Publikationen von R. H. Fundele

Zeitschriftenartikel (16)

Meunier, D.; Patra, K.; Smits, R.; Hagebarth, A.; Luttges, A.; Jaussi, R.; Wieduwilt, M. J.; Quintanilla-Fend, L.; Himmelbauer, H.; Fodde, R. et al.; Fundele, R. H.: Expression analysis of proline rich 15 (Prr15) in mouse and human gastrointestinal tumors. Molecular Carcinogenesis 50 (1), S. 8 - 15 (2011)
Meunier, D.; Patra, K.; Smits, R.; Hagebarth, A.; Lüttges, A.; Jaussi, R.; Wieduwilt, M. J.; Quintanilla-Fend, L.; Himmelbauer, H.; Fodde, R. et al.; Fundele, R. H.: Expression analysis of proline rich 15 (Prr15) in mouse and human gastrointestinal tumors. Molecular Carcinogenesis 50 (1), S. 8 - 15 (2010)
Singh, U.; Sun, T.; Shi, W.; Schulz, R.; Nuber, U. A.; Varanou, A.; Hemberger, M. C.; Elliott, R. W.; Ohta, H.; Wakayama, T. et al.; Fundele, R.: : Expression and functional analysis of genes deregulated in mouse placental overgrowth models: Car2 and Ncam1. Developmental Dynamics 234 (4), S. 1034 - 1045 (2005)
Shi, W.; van den Hurk, J. A. J. M.; Alamo-Bethencourt, V.; Mayer, W.; Winkens, H. J.; Ropers, H.-H.; Cremers, F. P. M.; Fundele, R.: Choroideremia gene product affects trophoblast development and vascularization in mouse extra-embryonic tissues. Developmental Biology 272 (1), S. 53 - 65 (2004)
Singh, U.; Fohn, L. E.; Wakayama, T.; Ohgane, J.; Steinhoff, C.; Lipkowitz, B.; Schulz, R.; Orth, A.; Ropers, H.-H.; Behringer, R. R. et al.; Tanaka, S.; Shiota, K.; Yanagimachi, R.; Nuber, U. A.; Fundele, R.: Different molecular mechanisms underlie placental overgrowth phenotypes caused by interspecies hybridization, cloning, and Esx1 mutation. Developmental Dynamics 230 (1), S. 149 - 164 (2004)
Zechner, U.; Shi, W.; Hemberger, M.; Himmelbauer, H.; Otto, S.; Orth, A.; Kalscheuer, V. M.; Fischer, U.; Elango, R.; Reis, A. et al.; Vogel, W.; Ropers, H.-H.; Rüschendorf, F.; Fundele, R.: Divergent genetic and epigenetic post-zygotic isolation mechanisms in Mus and Peromyscus. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17 (2), S. 453 - 460 (2004)
Meunier, D.; Peters, T.; Lüttges, A.; Curfs, J.; Fundele, R.: Preferential expression of the G90 gene in post-mitotic cells during mouse embryonic development. Anatomy and Embryology 207 (2), S. 109 - 117 (2003)
Schutt, S.; Florl, A. R.; Shi, W.; Hemberger, M.; Orth, A.; Otto, S.; Schulz, W. A.; Fundele, R. H.: DNA methylation in placentas of interspecies mouse hybrids. Genetics 165 (1), S. 223 - 228 (2003)
Ishikawa, H.; Rattigan, A.; Fundele, R.; Burgoyne, P. S.: Effects of sex chromosome dosage on placental size in mice. Biology of Reproduction 69 (2), S. 483 - 488 (2003)
Herr, A.; Meunier, D.; Muller, I.; Rump, A.; Fundele, R.; Ropers, H.-H.; Nuber, U. A.: Expression of mouse Tbx22 supports its role in palatogenesis and glossogenesis. Developmental Dynamics 226 (4), S. 579 - 586 (2003)
Constância, M.; Hemberger, M.; Hughes, J.; Dean, W.; Ferguson-Smith, A.; Fundele, R.; Stewart, F.; Kelsey, G.; Fowden, A.; Sibley, C. et al.; Reik, W.: Placental-specific IGF-II is a major modulator of placental and fetal growth. Nature 417 (6892), S. 945 - 948 (2002)
Zechner, U.; Hemberger, M.; Constância, M.; Orth, A.; Dragatsis, I.; Lüttges, A.; Hameister, H.; Fundele, R.: Proliferation and growth factor expression in abnormally enlarged placentas of mouse interspecific hybrids. Developmental Dynamics 224 (2), S. 125 - 134 (2002)
Stricker, S.; Fundele, R.; Vortkamp, A.; Mundlos, S.: Role of Runx Genes in Chondrocyte Differentiation. Developmental Biology 245 (1), S. 95 - 108 (2002)
Stricker, S.; Fundele, R.; Vortkamp, A.; Mundlos, S.: Role of Runx Genes in Chondrocyte Differentiation. Developmental Biology 245 (1), S. 95 - 108 (2002)
Stricker, S.; Fundele, R.; Vortkamp, A.; Mundlos, S.: Role of Runx Genes in Chondrocyte Differentiation. Developmental Biology 245 (1), S. 95 - 108 (2002)
Cowell, I. G.; Aucott, R.; Mahadevaiah, S. K.; Burgoyne, P. S.; Huskisson, N.; Bongiorni, S.; Prantera, G.; Fanti, L.; Pimpinelli, S.; Wu, R. et al.; Gilbert, D. M.; Shi, W.; Fundele, R.; Morrison, H.; Jeppesen, P.; Singh, P. B.: Heterochromatin, HP1 and methylation at lysine 9 of histone H3 in animals. Chromosoma 111 (1), S. 22 - 36 (2002)

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