Abteilung Bioinformatik

Publikationen von Pay Gießelmann

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Landshammer, A.; Bolondi, A.; Kretzmer, H.; Much, C.; Buschow, R.; Rose, A.; Wu, H.-J.; Mackowiak, S. D.; Braendl, B.; Gießelmann, P. et al.; Tornisiello, R.; Mohan Parsi, K.; Huey, J.; Mielke, T.; Meierhofer, D.; Maehr, R.; Hnisz, D.; Michor, F.; Rinn, J. L.; Meissner, A.: T-REX17 is a transiently expressed non-coding RNA essential for human endoderm formation. eLife 12, e83077 (2023)
Landshammer, A.; Bolondi, A.; Kretzmer, H.; Much, C.; Buschow, R.; Rose, A.; Wu, H.-J.; Mackowiak, S.; Braendl, B.; Giesselmann, P. et al.; Tornisiello, R.; Mohan Parsi, K.; Huey, J.; Mielke, T.; Meierhofer, D.; Maehr, R.; Hnisz, D.; Michor, F.; Rinn, J. L.; Meissner, A.: Discovery and characterization of LNCSOX17 as an essential regulator in human endoderm formation. bioRxiv (Preprint Server) (angenommen)
Hetzel, S.; Gießelmann, P.; Reinert, K.; Meissner, A.; Kretzmer, H.: RLM: Fast and simplified extraction of Read-Level Methylation metrics from bisulfite sequencing data. Bioinformatics 37 (21), S. 3934 - 3935 (2021)
Haggerty, C.; Kretzmer, H.; Riemenschneider, C.; Sampath Kumar, A.; Mattei, A. L.; Bailly, N.; Gottfreund, J.; Giesselmann, P.; Weigert, R.; Brändl, B. et al.; Giehr, P.; Buschow, R.; Galonska, C.; von Meyenn, F.; Pappalardi, M. B.; McCabe, M. T.; Wittler, L.; Giesecke-Thiel, C.; Mielke, T.; Meierhofer, D.; Timmermann, B.; Müller, F.-J.; Walter, J.; Meissner, A.: Dnmt1 has de novo activity targeted to transposable elements. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 28 (7), S. 594 - 603 (2021)
Charlton, J.; Jung, E. J.; Mattei, A. L.; Bailly, N.; Liao, J.; Martin, E. J.; Gießelmann, P.; Brändl, B.; Stamenova, E. K.; Müller, F.-J. et al.; Kiskinis, E.; Gnirke, A.; Smith, Z. D.; Meissner, A.: TETs compete with DNMT3 activity in pluripotent cells at thousands of methylated somatic enhancers. Nature Genetics 52 (8), S. 819 - 827 (2020)
Gießelmann, P.; Brändl, B.; Raimondeau, E.; Bowen, R.; Rohrandt, C.; Tandon, R.; Kretzmer, H.; Assum, G.; Galonska, C.; Siebert, R. et al.; Ammerpohl, O.; Heron, A.; Schneider, S. A.; Ladewig, J.; Koch, P.; Schuldt, B. M.; Graham, J. E.; Meissner, A.; Müller, F.-J.: Analysis of short tandem repeat expansions and their methylation state with nanopore sequencing. bioRxiv (Preprint Server), 480285 (2019)
Giesselmann, P.; Hetzel, S.; Müller, F.-J.; Meissner, A.; Kretzmer, H.: Nanopype: A modular and scalable nanopore data processing pipeline. Bioinformatics 2019, btz461 (2019)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Rohrandt, C.; Kraft, N.; Gießelmann, P.; Brändl, B.; Schuldt, B. M.; Jetzek, U.; Müller, F.-J.: Nanopore SimulatION – a raw data simulator for Nanopore Sequencing. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 18399242 . 2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Madrid, Spain, 03. Dezember 2018 - 06. Dezember 2018. (2019)

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