Publikationen von L. Bertram

Zeitschriftenartikel (80)

Lill, C. M.; Abel, O.; Bertram, L.; Al-Chalabi, A.: Keeping up with genetic discoveries in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: the ALSoD and ALSGene databases. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Official Publication of the World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases 12 (4), S. 238 - 49 (2011)
Lill, C. M.; Bertram, L.: Towards unveiling the genetics of neurodegenerative diseases. Seminars in Neurology 31 (5), S. 531 - 41 (2011)
Pfeiffer, T.; Bertram, L.; Ioannidis, J. P.: Quantifying selective reporting and the Proteus phenomenon for multiple datasets with similar bias. PLoS ONE 6 (3), S. e18362 (2011)
Sarajarvi, T.; Tuusa, J. T.; Haapasalo, A.; Lackman, J. J.; Sormunen, R.; Helisalmi, S.; Roehr, J. T.; Parrado, A. R.; Makinen, P.; Bertram, L. et al.; Soininen, H.; Tanzi, R. E.; Petaja-Repo, U. E.; Hiltunen, M.: Cysteine 27 variant of the delta-opioid receptor affects amyloid precursor protein processing through altered endocytic trafficking. Molecular and Cellular Biology 31 (11), S. 2326 - 40 (2011)
Schjeide, B. M.; Schnack, C.; Lambert, J. C.; Lill, C. M.; Kirchheiner, J.; Tumani, H.; Otto, M.; Tanzi, R. E.; Lehrach, H.; Amouyel, P. et al.; von Arnim, C. A.; Bertram, L.: The role of clusterin, complement receptor 1, and phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein in Alzheimer disease risk and cerebrospinal fluid biomarker levels. Archives of General Psychiatry 68 (2), S. 207 - 13 (2011)
Viswanathan, J.; Haapasalo, A.; Bottcher, C.; Miettinen, R.; Kurkinen, K. M.; Lu, A.; Thomas, A.; Maynard, C. J.; Romano, D.; Hyman, B. T. et al.; Berezovska, O.; Bertram, L.; Soininen, H.; Dantuma, N. P.; Tanzi, R. E.; Hiltunen, M.: Alzheimer's disease-associated ubiquilin-1 regulates presenilin-1 accumulation and aggresome formation. Traffic 12 (3), S. 330 - 48 (2011)
Timmermann, B.; Kerick, M.; Roehr, C.; Fischer, A.; Isau, M.; Boerno, S. T.; Wunderlich, A.; Barmeyer, C.; Seemann, P.; Koenig, J. et al.; Lappe, M.; Kuss, A. W.; Garshasbi, M.; Bertram, L.; Trappe, K.; Werber, M.; Herrmann, B. G.; Zatloukal, K.; Lehrach, H.; Schweiger, M. R.: Somatic mutation profiles of MSI and MSS colorectal cancer identified by whole exome next generation sequencing and bioinformatics analysis. PLoS ONE 5 (12), S. e15661 - e15661 (2010)
Bertram, L.; Lill, C. M.; Tanzi, R. E.: The genetics of Alzheimer disease: back to the future. Neuron 68 (2), S. 270 - 281 (2010)
Bertram, L.; Heekeren, H.: Obesity and the brain: a possible genetic link. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 2 (5), S. 2:27 - 2:27 (2010)
Saykin, A. J.; Shen, L.; Foroud, T. M.; Potkin, S. G.; Swaminathan, S.; Kim, S.; Risacher, S. L.; Nho, K.; Huentelman, M. J.; Craig, D. W. et al.; Thompson, P. M.; Stein, J. L.; Moore, J. H.; Farrer, L. A.; Green, R. C.; Bertram, L.; Jack, C. R.; Weiner, M. W.: Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative biomarkers as quantitative phenotypes: Genetics core aims, progress, and plans. Alzheimers Dement 6 (3), S. 265 - 273 (2010)
Lill, C. M.; Schjeide, B. M.; Roehr, J. T.; Zauft, U.; Allen, N. C.; Zipp, F.; McQueen, M. B.; Kavvoura, F. K.; Ioannidis, J. P.; Khoury, M. J. et al.; Tanzi, R. E.; Bertram, L.: Correspondence to Sand et al. “Critical Reappraisal of a Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Transversion Variant in Schizophrenia”. Biological Psychiatry 67 (7), S. e45 - e48 (2010)
Castaldi, P. J.; Cho, M. H.; Cohn, M.; Langerman, F.; Moran, S.; Tarragona, N.; Moukhachen, H.; Venugopal, R.; Hasimja, D.; Kao, E. et al.; Wallace, B.; Hersh, C. P.; Bagade, S.; Bertram, L.; Silverman, E. K.; Trikalinos, T. A.: The COPD genetic association compendium: a comprehensive online database of COPD genetic associations. Human Molecular Genetics 19 (3), S. 526 - 534 (2010)
Haapasalo, A.; Viswanathan, J.; Bertram, L.; Soininen, H.; Tanzi, R. E.; Hiltunen, M.: Emerging role of Alzheimer's disease-associated ubiquilin-1 in protein aggregation. Biochemical Society Transactions 38, S. 150 - 155 (2010)
Giedraitis, V.; Glaser, A.; Sarajarvi, T.; Brundin, R.; Gunnarsson, M. D.; Schjeide, B. M.; Tanzi, R. E.; Helisalmi, S.; Pirttila, T.; Kilander, L. et al.; Lannfelt, L.; Soininen, H.; Bertram, L.; Ingelsson, M.; Hiltunen, M.: CALHM1 P86L polymorphism does not alter amyloid-beta or tau in cerebrospinal fluid. Neuroscience Letters 469 (2), S. 265 - 267 (2010)
Sleegers, K.; Lambert, J. C.; Bertram, L.; Cruts, M.; Amouyel, P.; Van Broeckhoven, C.: The pursuit of susceptibility genes for Alzheimer's disease: progress and prospects. Trends in Genetics 26 (2), S. 84 - 93 (2010)
Bertram, L.; Tanzi, R. E.: Alzheimer disease: new light on an old CLU. Nature Reviews Neurology 6 (1), S. 11 - 13 (2010)
Dolan, S. M.; Hollegaard, M. V.; Merialdi, M.; Betran, A. P.; Allen, T.; Abelow, C.; Nace, J.; Lin, B. K.; Khoury, M. J.; Ioannidis, J. P. et al.; Bagade, S.; Zheng, X.; Dubin, R. A.; Bertram, L.; Velez Edwards, D. R.; Menon, R.: Synopsis of preterm birth genetic association studies: the preterm birth genetics knowledge base (PTBGene). Public Health Genomics 13 (7-8), S. 514 - 523 (2010)
Lambert, J. C.; Sleegers, K.; Gonzalez-Perez, A.; Ingelsson, M.; Beecham, G. W.; Hiltunen, M.; Combarros, O.; Bullido, M. J.; Brouwers, N.; Bettens, K. et al.; Berr, C.; Pasquier, F.; Richard, F.; Dekosky, S. T.; Hannequin, D.; Haines, J. L.; Tognoni, G.; Fievet, N.; Dartigues, J. F.; Tzourio, C.; Engelborghs, S.; Arosio, B.; Coto, E.; De Deyn, P.; Del Zompo, M.; Mateo, I.; Boada, M.; Antunez, C.; Lopez-Arrieta, J.; Epelbaum, J.; Schjeide, B. M.; Frank-Garcia, A.; Giedraitis, V.; Helisalmi, S.; Porcellini, E.; Pilotto, A.; Forti, P.; Ferri, R.; Delepine, M.; Zelenika, D.; Lathrop, M.; Scarpini, E.; Siciliano, G.; Solfrizzi, V.; Sorbi, S.; Spalletta, G.; Ravaglia, G.; Valdivieso, F.; Vepsalainen, S.; Alvarez, V.; Bosco, P.; Mancuso, M.; Panza, F.; Nacmias, B.; Bossu, P.; Hanon, O.; Piccardi, P.; Annoni, G.; Mann, D.; Marambaud, P.; Seripa, D.; Galimberti, D.; Tanzi, R. E.; Bertram, L.; Lendon, C.; Lannfelt, L.; Licastro, F.; Campion, D.; Pericak-Vance, M. A.; Soininen, H.; Van Broeckhoven, C.; Alperovitch, A.; Ruiz, A.; Kamboh, M. I.; Amouyel, P.: The CALHM1 P86L polymorphism is a genetic modifier of age at onset in Alzheimer's disease: a meta-analysis study. J Alzheimers Dis 22 (1), S. 247 - 255 (2010)
Laumet, G.; Chouraki, V.; Grenier-Boley, B.; Legry, V.; Heath, S.; Zelenika, D.; Fievet, N.; Hannequin, D.; Delepine, M.; Pasquier, F. et al.; Hanon, O.; Brice, A.; Epelbaum, J.; Berr, C.; Dartigues, J. F.; Tzourio, C.; Campion, D.; Lathrop, M.; Bertram, L.; Amouyel, P.; Lambert, J. C.: Systematic analysis of candidate genes for Alzheimer's disease in a French, genome-wide association study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 20 (4), S. 1181 - 1188 (2010)
Lebedeva, E.; Stingl, J. C.; Thal, D. R.; Ghebremedhin, E.; Strauss, J.; Özer, E.; Bertram, L.; von Einem, B.; Tumani, H.; Otto, M. et al.; Riepe, M. W.; Högel, J.; Ludolph, A. C.; von Arnim, C. A.: Genetic variants in PSEN2 and correlation to CSF beta-amyloid42 levels in AD. Neurobiology of Aging (2010)

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