Efrat Shema: Single-molecule and single-cell epigenetics – Decoding the epigenome for cancer research and diagnosis

Dahlem Colloquium

  • Datum: 13.03.2024
  • Uhrzeit: 11:00 - 12:00
  • Vortragende: Efrat Shema
  • Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Ort: Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
  • Raum: Seminar room 1
  • Gastgeber: Alexander Meissner & Denes Hnisz
  • Kontakt: dc-register@molgen.mpg.de
 Efrat Shema: Single-molecule and single-cell epigenetics – Decoding the epigenome for cancer research and diagnosis

The lab of Efrat Shema studies epigenetic events that contribute to cancer initiation and progression. To address these fundamental questions, they develop and apply innovative cutting-edge single-molecule and single-cell technologies.

Learn more about the lab here.

This is an in-person event.

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