Foto: D. Ausserhofer
Dr. Peter Arndt
Arndt Lab
Research Interest
- Genome Evolution: integrating processes beyond nucleotide exchanges, e.g. insertions, deletions and segmental duplications; isochore evolution
- Analysis of population related data: Nucleotide and copy number polymorphisms; biases in allele fixation
- Phylogeny: Branching processes and dynamical models of speciation, distance distributions in phylogenetic trees
- Models for nucleotide substitutions: including neighbor dependencies; CpG-effect; estimation of substitution patterns along chromosomes and back in evolutionary time; distinction between mutation and selection; biased gene conversion
Curriculum vitae
- since 2003 Head of the 'Evolutionary Genomics Group' at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
- 1998 - 2003 PostDoc at Cologne University and UC San Diego
- 1998 PhD in Theoretical Physics at Bonn University
- 1995 Diploma in Physics at Bonn University