Otto Warburg Summer School and Research Symposium on Cancer Genomics

*** Cancelled ***

This summer school is cancelled for 2021 due to the uncertain development of the pandemic. An online event would lack the spirit of interaction that we have come to expect from the OWS and we will resume planning when the pandemic is over.

The OWS is an interactive event that starts with a series of lectures which bring students from different backgrounds up to the same level of knowledge. Later on, the program focuses on research talks that showcase the current research questions our speakers are trying to answer.

The key to this summer school is interaction between speakers and student participants so everyone is highly encouraged to submit a talk or poster and get valuable input from experienced speakers.

Practical sessions also play an important role.

This OWS is co-organized by the IMPRS-BAC and the CompCancer Research Training Group. PhD students from all over the world are welcome.


Scientific organisers: Peter Arndt, Stefan Haas, Martin Vingron (Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics) and Nils Blüthgen (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin)



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