Otto Warburg International Summer School
and Research Symposium 2018
on Epigenetics
and Regulation

September 2nd-7th, Berlin, Germany

 The summer school brings together researchers and PhD students from different backgrounds (including molecular biology, bioinformatics, genetics, mathematics) to discuss recent advances in epigenetics and regulation.

The Otto Warburg Summer School and Research Symposium is an interactive event that starts with a series of lectures which bring students from different backgrounds up to the same level of knowledge in the field of epigenetics and regulation. Later on, the program focusses on research talks that showcase the current research questions our speakers are trying to answer.

The key to this summer school is interaction between speakers and student participants so you are all highly encouraged to submit a talk or poster and get valuable input from our experienced speakers.

There will also be a practical session aimed at computational biologists.

Scientific organisers: Sebastiaan Meijsing, Alexander Meissner, Martin Vingron (Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics)

Confirmed Speakers:

Till Bartke  -  Helmholtz Zentrum München

Stephan Beck  -  University College London

Ann Ehrenhofer-Murray  -  Humboldt University, Berlin

Raluca Gordân  -  Duke University

Uwe Ohler  -  Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin

Renato Paro  -  ETH Zürich

Zhen Shao  -  Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai

Michael Stadler  -  Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel

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