Publikationen Abt. Analyse des Vertebratengenoms (Hans Lehrach)

Zeitschriftenartikel (27)

Künzel, S. E.; Frentzel, D. P.; Flesch, L. T. M.; Knecht, V. A.; Rübsam, A.; Dreher, F.; Schütte, M.; Dubrac, A.; Lange, B.; Yaspo, M.-L. et al.; Lehrach, H.; Joussen, A. M.; Zeitz, O.: AI-driven discovery of blood xenobiotic biomarkers in neovascular age-related macular degeneration using iterative random forests. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 262 (11), S. 3567 - 3575 (2024)
Künzel, S. E.; Pompös, I.-M.; Flesch, L. T. M.; Frentzel, D. P.; Knecht, V. A.; Winkler, S.; Skosyrski, S.; Rübsam, A.; Dreher, F.; Kociok, N. et al.; Schütte, M.; Dubrac, A.; Lange, B.; Yaspo, M.-L.; Lehrach, H.; Strauß, O.; Joussen, A. M.; Zeitz, O.: Exploring the Impact of Saccharin on Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Comprehensive Study in Patients and Mice. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 65 (4), Article 5 (2024)
Zacharias, M.; Kashofer, K.; Wurm, P.; Regitnig, P.; Schütte, M.; Neger, M.; Ehmann, S.; Marsh, L. M.; Kwapiszewska, G.; Loibner, M. et al.; Birnhuber, A.; Leitner, E.; Thüringer, A.; Winter, E.; Sauer, S.; Pollheimer, M. J.; Vagena, F. R.; Lackner, C.; Jelusic, B.; Ogilvie, L.; Durdevic, M.; Timmermann, B.; Lehrach, H.; Zatloukal, K.; Gorkiewicz, G.: Host and microbiome features of secondary infections in lethal covid-19. iScience 25 (9), 104926 (2022)
Lehrach, H.; Curtis, J.; Lange, B.; Ogilvie, L. A.; Gauss, R.; Steininger, C.; Scholz, E.; Kreck, M.: Proposal of a population wide genome-based testing for Covid-19. Scientific Reports 12, 5618 (2022)
Broecker, F.; Mölling, K.: The Roles of the Virome in Cancer. Microorganisms 9 (12), 2538 (2021)
Geanta, M.; Tanwar, A. S.; Lehrach, H.; Satyamoorthy, K.; Brand, A.: Horizon Scanning: Rise of Planetary Health Genomics and Digital Twins for Pandemic Preparedness. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 26 (2), S. 93 - 100 (2021)
Keil, M.; Conrad, T.; Becker, M.; Keilholz, U.; Yaspo, M.-L.; Lehrach, H.; Schütte, M.; Haybaeck, J.; Hoffmann, J.: Modeling of Personalized Treatments in Colon Cancer Based on Preclinical Genomic and Drug Sensitivity Data. Cancers 13 (23), 6018 (2021)
Lampignano , R.; Neumann, M. H.D.; Weber, S.; Kloten, V.; Herdean, A.; Voss, T.; Groelz, D.; Babayan, A.; Tibbesma, M.; Schlumpberger, M. et al.; Chemi, F.; Rothwell, D. G.; Wikman, H.; Galizzi, J.-P.; Bergheim, I. R.; Russnes, H.; Mussolin, B.; Bonin, S.; Voigt, C.; Musa, H.; Pinzani, P.; Lianidou, E.; Brady, G.; Speicher, M. R.; Pantel, K.; Betsou, F.; Schuuring, E.; Kubista, M.; Ammerlaan, W.; Sprenger-Haussels, M.; Schlange, T.; Heitzer, E.; Lehrach, H.; Yaspo, M.-L.: Multicenter Evaluation of Circulating Cell-Free DNA Extraction and Downstream Analyses for the Development of Standardized (Pre)analytical Work Flows. Clinical Chemistry: International Journal of Molecular Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine 66 (1), S. 149 - 160 (2020)
Abu‑Toamih Atamni, H. J.; Kontogianni, G.; Binenbaum, I.; Mott, R.; Himmelbauer, H.; Lehrach, H.; Chatziioannou, A.; Iraqi, F. A.: Hepatic gene expression variations in response to high-fat diet-induced impaired glucose tolerance using RNAseq analysis in collaborative cross mouse population. Mammalian Genome 30 (9-10), S. 260 - 275 (2019)
Segal, J.; Mülleder, M.; Krüger, A.; Adler, T.; Scholze-Wittler, M.; Becker, L.; Calzada-Wack, J.; Garrett, L.; Hölter, S. M.; Rathkolb, B. et al.; Rozman, J.; Racz, I.; Fischer, R.; Busch, D. H.; Neff, F.; Klingenspor, M.; Klopstock, T.; Grüning, N.-M.; Michel, S.; Lukaszewska-McGreal, B.; Voigt, I.; Hartmann, L.; Timmermann, B.; Lehrach, H.; Wolf, E.; Wurst, W.; Gailus-Durner, V.; Fuchs, H.; de Angelis, M. H.; Schrewe, H.; Yuneva, M.; Ralser, M.: Low catalytic activity is insufficient to induce disease pathology in triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) deficiency. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 22 (5), S. 839 - 849 (2019)
Schade, S.; Ogilvie, L. A.; Kessler, T.; Schütte, M.; Wierling, C.; Lange, B. M.; Lehrach, H.; Yaspo, M.-L.: A data- and model-driven approach for cancer treatment. Der Onkologe 25 (Suppl. 2), S. S132 - S137 (2019)
Schade, S.; Ogilvie, L. A.; Kessler, T.; Schütte, M.; Wierling, C.; Lange, B. M.; Lehrach, H.; Yaspo, M.-L.: Ein daten- und modellgesteuerter Ansatz zur Behandlung maligner Tumoren. Der Onkologe 25 (Suppl. 1), S. S109 - S115 (2019)
Ciusdel, C. F.; Coman, S.; Boldisor, C.; Kessler, T.; Muradyan, A.; Kovachev, A.; Lehrach, H.; Wierling, C.; Itu, L. M.: Effect of Linearization in a WNT Signaling Model. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 8461820 (2019)
Gu, W.; Yildirimman, R.; Van der Stuyft, E.; Verbeeck, D.; Herzinger, S.; Satagopam, V.; Barbosa-Silva, A.; Schneider, R.; Lange, B.; Lehrach, H. et al.; Guo, Y.; Henderson, D.; Rowe, A.: Data and knowledge management in translational research: implementation of the eTRIKS platform for the IMI OncoTrack consortium. BMC Bioinformatics 20 (1), 164 (2019)
Grasse, S.; Lienhard, M.; Frese, S.; Kerick, M.; Steinbach, A.; Grimm, C.; Hussong, M.; Rolff, J.; Becker, M.; Dreher, F. et al.; Schirmer, U.; Boerno, S. T.; Ramisch, A.; Leschber, G.; Timmermann, B.; Grohé, C.; Lüders, H.; Vingron, M.; Fichtner, I.; Klein, S.; Odenthal, M.; Büttner, R.; Lehrach, H.; Sültmann, H.; Herwig, R.; Schweiger, R. M.: Epigenomic profiling of non-small cell lung cancer xenografts uncover LRP12 DNA methylation as predictive biomarker for carboplatin resistance. Genome Medicine 10 (1), 10:55 (2018)
Reddy Devullapally, P.; Bürger, J.; Mielke, T.; Konthur, Z.; Lehrach, H.; Yaspo, M.-L.; Glökler, J.; Warnatz, H.-J.: Simple paired heavy- and light-chain antibody repertoire sequencing using endoplasmic reticulum microsomes. Genome Medicine 10, 10:34 (2018)
Regan, J. L.; Schumacher, D.; Staudte, S.; Steffen, A.; Haybaeck, J.; Keilholz, U.; Schweiger, C.; Golob-Schwarzl, N.; Mumberg, D.; Henderson, D. et al.; Lehrach, H.; Regenbrecht, C. R. A.; Schafer, R.; Lange, M.: Non-Canonical Hedgehog Signaling Is a Positive Regulator of the WNT Pathway and Is Required for the Survival of Colon Cancer Stem Cells. Cell Reports 21 (10), S. 2813 - 2828 (2017)
Golob-Schwarzl, N.; Schweiger, C.; Koller, C.; Krassnig, S.; Gogg-Kamerer, M.; Gantenbein, N.; Toeglhofer, A. M.; Wodlej, C.; Bergler, H.; Pertschy, B. et al.; Uranitsch, S.; Holter, M.; El-Heliebi, A.; Fuchs, J.; Punschart, A.; Stiegler, P.; Keil, M.; Hoffmann, J.; Henderson, D.; Lehrach, H.; Reinhard, C.; Regenbrecht, C.; Schicho, R.; Fickert, P.; Lax, S.; Haybaeck, J.: Separation of low and high grade colon and rectum carcinoma by eukaryotic translation initiation factors 1, 5 and 6. Oncotarget 8 (60), S. 101224 - 101243 (2017)
Ogilvie, L. A.; Kovachev, A.; Wierling, C.; Lange, B. M. H.; Lehrach, H.: Models of Models: A Translational Route for Cancer Treatment and Drug Development. Frontiers in Oncology 7, 7:219 (2017)
Schütte, M.; Ogilvie, L. A.; Rieke, D. T.; Lange, B. M. H.; Yaspo, M. L.; Lehrach, H.: Cancer Precision Medicine: Why More Is More and DNA Is Not Enough. Public Health Genomics 20 (2), S. 70 - 80 (2017)
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