Jörg Winkler


New sequencing technologies
give rise to implement more efficient and adapted algorithms for the analysis
of sequences. The development of new methods that help to detect diseases
like cancer on the basis of -omics data will be an interesting and challenging
task for me. Considering that, I can imagine to extract disease-specific signals
from the sequences by using various statistical approaches.


since 2016: PhD student at IMPRS-CBSC

2013-2016: Master of Science in Bioinformatics at University of Hamburg

2010-1013: Dual Programme: Bachelor of Science in Scientific Programming at University of Applied Sciences Aachen, Campus Jülich;


  • K Reinert, TH Dadi, M Ehrhardt, H Hauswedell, S Mehringer, R Rahn, J Kim, C Pockrandt, J Winkler, E Siragusa, G Urgese, D Weese (2017). The SeqAn C++ template library for efficient sequence analysis: A resource for programmers.
    J Biotechnol., 261: 157-168
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