Transferable Skills Course: Statistical Literacy

Enables Life Scientists to Understand the Purpose and Uses of Classical Statistics as an Integral Part of the Scientific Method. This is the first workshop of a three-workshop-cycle on statistics (Statistical Literacy - Data Analysis with R - Data Visualization with R). [more]
The Welcome Week is an introduction week for new doctoral candidates who started their doctorate this year. It lays the groundwork, introduce the breadth of our research and fosters direct interaction between new doctoral candidates and faculty members. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Proposal Writing

This workshop takes a practical approach to teaching researchers in the life sciences how to apply for third-party funding. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Data Visualization with R

The Data Visualization workshop is divided into two distinct parts – principles and applications. This is the third workshop of a three-workshop-cycle on statistics (Statistical Literacy - Data Analysis with R - Data Visualization with R). [more]

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

Transferable Skills Course: Data Analysis with R

Enables Life Scientists to Effectively and Rapidly Analyze Their Data Using the R Software Package. This is the second workshop of a three-workshop-cycle on statistics (Statistical Literacy - Data Analysis with R - Data Visualization with R). [more]

Career Perspectives with a PhD in Natural & Life Sciences – Dr. Lam-Ha Ly (IMPRS-CBSC alumna)

Looking for career options after your doctorate? And not sure what is “out there”? With this series, we would like to offer an opportunity for interactive and informal exchange about career-related topics. You will meet former PhD candidates who will share with you their experiences including ups and downs looking for a job. PhD holders from academia, industry, science communication, politics, public and health sectors, education and more will show you the broad range of potential careers after a doctorate and give you inspiration for future career choices. We will have plenty of time after each talk for questions, discussion and networking. [more]

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

Transferable Skills Course: Scientific Writing

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

Transferable Skills Course: Statistical Literacy

Enables Life Scientists to Understand the Purpose and Uses of Classical Statistics as an Integral Part of the Scientific Method. This is the first workshop of a three-workshop-cycle on statistics (Statistical Literacy - Data Analysis with R - Data Visualization with R). [more]
This two-day workshop is aimed at women (and all those who identify as women), both scientists and nonscientists, who want to develop their leadership skills. [more]
The Welcome Week is an introduction week for new doctoral candidates who started their doctorate this year. It lays the groundwork, introduce the breadth of our research and fosters direct interaction between new doctoral candidates and faculty members. [more]

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

Transferable Skills Course: Data Visualization with R

The Data Visualization workshop is divided into two distinct parts – principles and applications. [more]

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

Transferable Skills Course: Data Analysis with R

Enables Life Scientists to Effectively and Rapidly Analyze Their Data Using the R Software Package. This is the second workshop of a three-workshop-cycle on statistics (Statistical Literacy - Data Analysis with R - Data Visualization with R). [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Scientific Writing

Learning to write and respond to reviewers' comments are vital skills for early-career researchers to master if they wish to become established scientists. However, these skills are often neglected, forcing researchers to learn them by trial and error. By learning to address reviewers' comments, young researchers not only increase their chances of getting their work published but also learn to think critically about their own research. Equally, by becoming better reviewers, researchers can raise their profiles with journal editors. Becoming an invited reviewer for a prestigious journal is an opportunity for researchers to enhance their academic reputation and improve their career prospects. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Statistical Literacy

Enables Life Scientists to Understand the Purpose and Uses of Classical Statistics as an Integral Part of the Scientific Method. This is the first workshop of a three-workshop-cycle on statistics (Statistical Literacy - Data Analysis with R - Data Visualization with R). [more]

Alumni Symposium

Alumni Symposium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium
The Welcome Week is an introduction week for new doctoral candidates who started their doctorate this year. It lays the groundwork, introduce the breadth of our research and fosters direct interaction between new doctoral candidates and faculty members. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Proposal Writing

This workshop takes a practical approach to teaching researchers in the life sciences how to apply for third-party funding. [more]

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

Transferable Skills Course: Good paper - Good graphics

Two-day workshop on how to produce figures that are ready for publication. In these 2 days you will learn what makes a good scientific figure and how to create one from your own data. The workshop is packed with practical exercises that you can do with your own data or with sample data. Starting with underlying concepts of data visualisation, you will dive into creating figures. [more]
Theatre-based workshop to present with impact and charisma [more]

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

Transferable Skills Course: Data Visualization with R

The Data Visualization workshop is divided into two distinct parts – principles and applications. [more]
Nanocourses consist of lectures followed by the opportunity to gain hands-on experience. Goal of this 3 day workshop is to give an introduction into the crossroads of growth factor signaling and mechanobiology in physiology, pathology and regeneration. [more]

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

Transferable Skills Course: Data Analysis with R

Statistics with R
Enables Life Scientists to Effectively and Rapidly Analyze Their Data Using the R Software Package. This is the second workshop of a three-workshop-cycle on statistics (Statistical Literacy - Data Analysis with R - Data Visualization with R). [more]

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium
Teaches Participants Fast and Effective Reading of Scientific Literature [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Scientific Writing

Transferable Skills Course for Supervisors: Inspirational Leadership

  • Start: Dec 8, 2022
  • End: Dec 9, 2022
  • Speaker: Daniel Mertens
  • PD Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Mertens heads two research groups, one group at the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) in Heidelberg and a research group at the University Hospital Ulm. As a scientist, Daniel Mertens is the author of 96 publications that have been cited more than 4400 times by colleagues ( He has received more than €5 million in grants from external third-party funders for his research and coordinated international research networks ( and Since 2011, he has been training scientists, physicians, administrators and staff in transferable skills ( So far, >7000 participants took part in international workshops in Europe, USA and Africa.
  • Location: MPI-MG
  • Room: Seminar room 1
  • Host: Anne-Dominique Gindrat
  • Contact:
What has arguably most impact? To inspire others. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Statistical Literacy

Statistics with R
Enables Life Scientists to Understand the Purpose and Uses of Classical Statistics as an Integral Part of the Scientific Method. This is the first workshop of a three-workshop-cycle on statistics (Statistical Literacy - Data Analysis with R - Data Visualization with R). [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Intercultural Awareness and Communication

The objective of the training will be to provide participants with skills for being more effective and get along with people from other cultures. [more]

Nanocourse: Cancer Genomics

“ Portraits of a tumor: cancer cells and their microenvironment or building a new world in a tissue” [more]

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium
The Welcome Week is an introduction week for new IMPRS doctoral students recruited at the beginning of the year. It lays the groundwork, introduce the breadth of our research and fosters direct interaction between new doctoral students and IMPRS faculty members. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Effective Visual Communication of Science

Science Communication
  • Start: Oct 17, 2022
  • End: Oct 18, 2022
  • Speaker: Dr. Jernej Zupanc
  • Dr. Jernej Zupanc is the founder of Seyens Ltd. His goal is to help scientists effectively communicate their ideas and findings and make an impact with their research. Communication and teaching are his professional passions, bordering on obsessions. He reads and studies eclectically and is always looking for approaches from different fields that can be easily applied by scientists. He distills the principles and practices into easy to understand and fun learning experiences. Time is our most valuable resource and he wants the time spent in his training to be the best investment a scientist can make. He has a PhD (2011) and was a PostDoc in computer science, is a Fulbright alumnus and a published photographer. Previously, he worked as the head of computer vision at a startup, as a project evaluator for the European Commission, and as a grant writer.
  • Location: MPI-MG
  • Room: Seminar room 4
  • Host: Anne-Dominique Gindrat
  • Contact:
You will learn to effectively communicate your own scientific ideas and results by applying best visual communication practices to your research communication. We will apply this knowledge to improve your scientific images, slides, and posters. You will design a graphical abstract and get actionable advice and feedback on your own materials. It is an immersive workshop, comprehensive, structured, memorable, easy to follow, useful and fun. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Getting Funded With Good Grant Writing

  • Start: Sep 21, 2022
  • End: Sep 22, 2022
  • Speaker: Daniel Mertens
  • PD Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Mertens heads two research groups, one group at the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) in Heidelberg and a research group at the University Hospital Ulm. As a scientist, Daniel Mertens is the author of 96 publications that have been cited more than 4400 times by colleagues ( He has received more than €5 million in grants from external third-party funders for his research and coordinated international research networks ( and Since 2011, he has been training scientists, physicians, administrators and staff in transferable skills ( So far, >7000 participants took part in international workshops in Europe, USA and Africa.
  • Location: MPI-MG
  • Room: Seminar room 4
  • Host: Anne-Dominique Gindrat
  • Contact:
In order to get grant funding, applicants have to convince reviewers that their project is interesting and that they are able to plan and run the project. [more]

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

Webinar: Introduction to Data Analysis, Visualization and Computational Biology with MATLAB

  • Date: Jun 2, 2022
  • Time: 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr. Mihaela Jarema
  • Dr. Mihaela Jarema is part of the Academia Group at MathWorks in Munich/Germany. She partners with research institutes in Germany to accelerate their discovery and learning. Mihaela holds a PhD degree in computer science from Technische Universität München. During her PhD, she has used MATLAB to model ensemble data, evaluate, and visualize the associated variability.
  • Location: online
  • Host: Anne-Dominique Gindrat
  • Contact:
Scientists and engineers in life sciences use MATLAB and Simulink for multidisciplinary and end-to-end workflows. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Berufswege in die Wissenschaftskommunikation

Science Communication
Wissen gekonnt vermitteln – im Beruf und als Beruf. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Data Visualization with R

Statistics with R
The Data Visualization workshop is divided into two distinct parts – principles and applications. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Science Communication Workshop for Scientists (Workshop)

Science Communication
  • Date: May 9, 2022
  • Time: 10:00 AM c.t. - 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr. André Lampe
  • Dr. André Lampe is a physicist, biochemist, presenter, and science communicator. He loves everything about microscopes, is on fire for science communication, loves the stage, cameras, and talking into podcast microphones. André presents live experiments and microscopy on stage, gives as workshops and is a consultant for event design, science communication, and change management.
  • Location: MPI-MG
  • Room: Seminar room 1
  • Host: Anne-Dominique Gindrat
  • Contact:
André Lampe will help you communicating your science: This hands-on workshop has been built around discussions and feedback from a talk at MPIMG several weeks ago and includes results from questionnaires and individual discussions with participants. The topic is not set yet and depends on the input of the participants and could be anything from Social Media to podcasting to scientific stand-up comedy in a pub. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Benefit from Science Communication as a Scientist (Talk)

Science Communication
  • Date: Apr 19, 2022
  • Time: 02:00 PM c.t. - 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr. André Lampe
  • Dr. André Lampe is a physicist, biochemist, presenter, and science communicator. He loves everything about microscopes, is on fire for science communication, loves the stage, cameras, and talking into podcast microphones. André presents live experiments and microscopy on stage, gives workshops and is a consultant for event design, science communication, and change management.
  • Location: MPI-MG
  • Room: Seminar room 1
  • Host: Anne-Dominique Gindrat
  • Contact:
André Lampe will show you the hows and whys of institutional science communication – but more importantly, how individual scientists can benefit and participate from engaging with the public. He will highlight opportunities for science communication in the academic routine with some surprising side effects. Some examples: train for your next conference talk at unusual locations, boost the impact of a paper, and influence your field significantly just by teaching students. The talk is intended to kick off a discussion about the topic, so there will be plenty of time for Q&A. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Data Analysis with R

Statistics with R
Enables Life Scientists to Effectively and Rapidly Analyze Their Data Using the R Software Package [more]

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

IMPRS-BAC Colloquium

Nanocourse: How the brain is built, how it can break, and how to see inside it

Nanocourses consist of lectures followed by the opportunity to gain hands-on experience. The brain is the foundation for our most advanced mental functions. It is among the most complex and dynamic biological systems. How the brain is built during development is a major open question at the forefront of current scientific research. A better understanding of brain development, how its circuits are wired and synapses are connected, will create a “blueprint” for understanding its normal function, and abnormalities in disorders like autism and schizophrenia. This course will contain a series of discussions on the current big picture questions and key details of brain development, structure, function, and associated disorders. Students will critically analyze foundational experiments and recent literature, with creative exercises in designing future experiments to tackle outstanding questions in the field. The course will also contain hands-on training in high resolution brain imaging and image analysis at multiple scales. [more]
This nanocourse will take place on 28 February, 7 March and 14 March, starting at 9 am. During the first session, you will get an introduction to the philosophy of science and ethics. The second session will focus on the beginning of human life. There will be an introduction to reproductive and therapeutic cloning followed a discussion. The third session will deal with genetic diagnostics, i.e. the use of modern techniques before implantation in artificial insemination as well as diagnostics on the embryo and the born human being, followed by a discussion. [more]
This interactive, practice-oriented workshop provides all the relevant know-how needed to successfully navigate the peer-review process both as a submitting author and a reviewer. [more]
Nanocourses consist of lectures followed by the opportunity to gain hands-on experience. Goal of this 3 day workshop is to give an introduction into the crossroads of growth factor signaling and mechanobiology in physiology, pathology and regeneration. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Statistical Literacy

Enables Life Scientists to Understand the Purpose and Uses of Classical Statistics as an Integral Part of the Scientific Method [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Scientific Writing

Nanocourse: Computational Protein Design

Sixth nanocourse of the IMPRS-BAC. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Networking

  • Fully booked
  • Date: Sep 21, 2021
  • Speaker: Michael Gordian
  • Dr. Michael Gordian is a trainer and seminar leader, specialised in communication, social skills and creative thinking. He trains team leaders and high potentials from various German and international companies as well as more than 12 German universities and research institutions. Above all, he is passionate about travelling, expanding his and other people's minds, juggling and designing new exciting trainings.
  • Location: online
  • Host: Kirsten Kelleher
Like it or not, building a professional network and mastering the art of smalltalk have become crucial skills for young scientists. The good news: Once you know the most important techniques and do's and dont's, it is quite easy as well as pleasant. It only takes some practice and interest in connecting with peers, colleagues and other people in meaningful way. This workshop is inspired by numerous sophisticated and creative best-practice examples from the US and England, both from academia and beyond. In this practical and interactive seminar, you will learn how to master the essentials of networking and small talk, so be ready to actively participate and exchange your ideas in the group. At the end of the training, all participants will have a toolbox with best-practice techniques, which they can practice and use on their own. [more]

Transferable Skills Course Online: Project Management for Scientists

  • fully booked
  • Start: Jun 1, 2021
  • End: Jun 2, 2021
  • Speaker: Katja Wolter
  • Katja Wolter M.A. studied Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund and John-Moores-University in Liverpool (England). She was working in Finance for an international Company in Frankfurt am Main, Consultant of the Administrative Director of Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (rbb), Director of Finance and Controlling at Deutsche Entertainment AG in Berlin and in a Project Management Organisation in the field of Biotechnology. Since 2013 she is Head of Steinbeis Research Center – Institute of Resource Development, Greifswald.
  • Location: online
  • Host: Kirsten Kelleher
  • Contact:
Gives scientists the background knowledge and tools to apply project management principles to their doctoral research projects [more]

Transferable Skills Course Online: Deep Reading

Teaches Participants Fast and Effective Reading of Scientific Literature [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Data Visualization with R

The Data Visualization workshop is divided into two distinct parts – principles and applications. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Data Analysis with R

Enables Life Scientists to Effectively and Rapidly Analyze Their Data Using the R Software Package [more]
Nanocourses consist of lectures followed by the opportunity to gain hands-on experience. Goal of this 3 day workshop is to give an introduction into the crossroads of growth factor signaling and mechanobiology in physiology, pathology and regeneration. [more]

Nanocourse: Quantitative Light Microscopy

Fourth nanocourse of the IMPRS-BAC. Practical aspects of quantitative light microscopy and what it can do for your research. [more]

Short webinar: Introduction to Data Analysis, Visualization and Computational Biology with MATLAB

  • Date: Feb 9, 2021
  • Time: 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Philip Laserstein
  • Dr. Philip Laserstein is part of the Academic Customer Success team at MathWorks, which helps academics integrate MATLAB and Simulink in their teaching and research. Prior to his role at MathWorks, Philip was working as a Neuroscience PhD student at the Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt where he was exploring the biological structures of neuronal networks in mammalian brains. 
  • Location: online
  • Host: Kirsten Kelleher
  • Contact:
The webinar is tailored for researchers who want to learn about or get up to speed with programming and Computational Biology. [more]

Transferable Skills Course Online: Career Planning for Scientists

The goal of the workshop is to encourage PhD students in making decisions with respect to their careers. Open to scientists of the MPIMG. [more]

Transferable Skills Course Online: Deep Reading

Teaches Participants Fast and Effective Reading of Scientific Literature [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Statistical Literacy

Enables Life Scientists to Understand the Purpose and Uses of Classical Statistics as an Integral Part of the Scientific Method [more]

Nanocourse: Phase Separation

Third nanocourse of the IMPRS-BAC. Introductory lecture on phase separation followed by interactive part. [more]
This course will introduce scientists with teaching duties to the basics of teaching and learning [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Effective Presentations

Enables Life Scientists to Present and Effectively Structure Their Scientific Research, Results and Other Materials. [more]

Nanocourse: Functional Genomics Data Analysis

Fourth nanocourse of the IMPRS-BAC. Lectures followed by the opportunity to gain hands-on experience. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Data Visualization with R

The Data Visualisation workshop is divided into two distinct parts – principles and applications. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Data Analysis with R

Enables Life Scientists to Effectively and Rapidly Analyse Their Data Using the R Software Package [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Scientific Writing and Peer Review

Open to scientists and guests of the MPIMG. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Statistical Literacy

Enables Life Scientists to Understand the Purpose and Uses of Classical Statistics as an Integral Part of the Scientific Method [more]
Helping early-stage researchers lead projects with more confidence, more focus and less stress. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Proposal Writing

In this workshop you will learn how to write grant requests and proposals. Open to scientists and guests of the MPIMG. [more]

Nanocourse: Compact Data Structures

Second nanocourse of the new IMPRS-BAC. Lectures followed by the opportunity to gain hands-on experience. [more]
First nanocourse of the new IMPRS-BAC. Lectures followed by the opportunity to gain hands-on experience. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Career planning for scientists

The goal of the workshop is to encourage PhD students (and postdocs) in making decisions with respect to their careers. Open to scientists and guests of the MPIMG. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Leadership Skills

Open to scientists and guests of the MPIMG. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Data Analysis with R

Enables Life Scientists to Effectively and Rapidly Analyse Their Data Using the R Software Package [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Scientific Writing and Publication

Open to scientists and guests of the MPIMG. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Statistical Literacy

Enables Life Scientists to Understand the Purpose and Uses of Classical Statistics as an Integral Part of the Scientific Method [more]

Presentation Workshop for Female Scientists

During this workshop the participants can develop a self-confident and authentic body language, as well as broaden their presence and radiation. Apart from that they will learn how to conquer stage fright and reduce it to a helpful amount. [more]

MPIMG PhD Week: Department of Genome Regulation

Transferable Skills Course: Data Visualization

The Data Visualisation workshop is divided into two distinct parts – principles and applications. [more]

IMPRS-CBSC After School Special

IMPRS-CBSC After School Special
The IMPRS-CBSC is coming to the end of its funding period after 14 years of educating PhD students. Join this alumni and student reunion for career advice, research talks, poster sessions, networking and extracurricular fun! [more]
The summer school will include tutorial style lectures and research talks by invited speakers as well as contributed talks from selected participants. It provides ample opportunity for interaction between lecturers and PhD students in a relaxed and friendly environment, and foster an atmosphere of scientific discussion across disciplines (including molecular biology, bioinformatics, biological physics, mathematics) between PhD students, Postdocs and speakers. [more]

IMPRS Colloquium

IMPRS-CBSC Colloqium

Transferable Skills Course: Career building for scientists

Germany is educating more academic scientists than can be employed by the current system. More and more young academics enter the job market and have to select for jobs they have not been trained for. This course will help PhD students and Postdocs to prepare themselves for the challenges of job decisions and personal career planning. [more]

Transferable Skills Course: Proposal Writing

This workshop enables life scientists to write grants and fellowships that get their research funded. [more]

IMPRS Colloquium

IMPRS-CBSC Colloqium

Transferable Skills Course: Data Analysis

Enables Life Scientists to Effectively and Rapidly Analyse Their Data Using the R Software Package [more]

MPIMG PhD Week: Department of Computational Biology

Day of Science 2017

IMPRS Colloquium

IMPRS-CBSC Colloqium

Transferable Skills Course: Scientific Writing

MPIMG PhD Week: Department of Developmental Genetics

  • DATE has been moved!
  • Start: Oct 23, 2017
  • End: Oct 27, 2017
  • Location: MPI-MG
The summer school will include tutorial style lectures and research talks by invited speakers as well as contributed talks from selected participants. It provides ample opportunity for interaction between lecturers and PhD students in a relaxed and friendly environment, and foster an atmosphere of scientific discussion across disciplines (including molecular biology, bioinformatics, biological physics, mathematics) between PhD students, Postdocs and speakers. [more]

IMPRS Colloquium

IMPRS-CBSC Colloqium
PhD students from the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics and IMPRS as well as PhD guest students and Master students and are very welcome to join the PhD retreat. This year our annual PhD retreat will take place from the 29.9.2016-1.10.2016 at Krippen near Bad Schandau, a wonderful location close to River Elbe in the Sächsische Schweiz. Take this opportunity to meet other PhD students, their scientific projects and discuss with them in a relaxed atmosphere. [more]

German Conference on Bioinformatics

Highlights: 5 Distinguished Keynotes; Young researcher talks; Research talks from pharma and computation development; Interactive industry session; BIH Award for Women Scientists in Computational Biology; Poster session with flash talks; Best poster prize; Conference dinner; Social event in Berlin [more]

IMPRS-CBSC Summer Colloqium

IMPRS-CBSC Colloqium
At the regular colloquium of the IMPRS-CBSC, two PhD students and an invited speaker present their work. [more]

IMPRS-CBSC Spring Colloqium

IMPRS-CBSC Colloqium
At the regular colloquium of the IMPRS-CBSC, two PhD students and an invited speaker present their work. [more]

IMPRS-CBSC December Colloqium

IMPRS Colloquium: IMPRS-CBSC Colloqium
At the regular colloquium of the IMPRS-CBSC, two PhD students and an invited speaker present their work. [more]

Studentenweihnachtsfeier am MPIMG

Die Weihnachtsfeier der PhD studenten am MPIMG und der IMPRS-CBSC von MPIMG und FU. Wir sehen den Klassiker Feuerzangenbowle und trinken Feuerzangenbowle passend dazu. Es ist Zeit in Weihnachtsstimmung zu kommen. Jeder ist willkommen ab 18 Uhr bis open end! [more]

Christmas Party of the Students at the MPIMG

The Christmas Party of the PhD students of the MPIMG and the IMPRS-CBSC from MPIMG and FU. We watch and drink Feuerzangenbowle and listen to cheesy Christmas music to get into the moon of the season! Join us if you want, everybody is welcome! [more]
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