Publikationen von Martin Vingron

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (15)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Helmuth, J.: Robust Normalization of Next Generation Sequencing Data. Dissertation, xii, 145 S. (2017)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Kopp, W.: Statistical methods for motif hit enrichment in DNA sequences. Dissertation, 216 S. (2017)

Sonstige (2)

Despang, A.; Schöpflin, R.; Franke, M.; Ali, S.; Jerkovic, I.; Paliou, C.; Chan, W.-L.; Timmermann, B.; Wittler, L.; Vingron, M. et al.; Mundlos, S.; Ibrahim, D. M.: Functional dissection of TADs reveals non-essential and instructive roles in regulating gene expression, bioRxiv (Preprint Server) 2019, (2019)
Huber, W.; von Heydebreck, A.; Vingron, M.: Error models for microarray intensities, (2004)

Preprint (4)

Ringel, A.; Szabo, Q.; Chiariello, A. M.; Chudzik, K.; Schöpflin, R.; Rothe, P.; Mattei, A. L.; Zehnder, T.; Harnett, D.; Laupert, V. et al.; Bianco, S.; Hetzel, S.; Phan, M.; Schindler, M.; Ibrahim, D. M.; Paliou, C.; Esposito, A.; Prada-Medina, C. A.; Haas, S.; Giere, P.; Vingron, M.; Wittler, L.; Meissner, A.; Nicodemi, M.; Cavalli, G.; Bantignies, F.; Mundlos, S.; Robson, M.: Promoter repression and 3D-restructuring resolves divergent developmental gene expression in TADs. bioRxiv (2021)
Baranasic, D.; Hörtenhuber, M.; Balwierz, P.; Zehnder, T.; Mukarram, A. K.; Nepal, C.; Varnai, C.; Hadzhiev, Y.; Jimenez- Gonzalez, A.; Li, N. et al.; Wragg, J.; D’Orazio, F.; Díaz, N.; Hernández- Rodríguez, B.; Chen, Z.; Stoiber, M.; Dong, M.; Stevens, I.; Ross, S. E.; Eagle, A.; Martin, R.; Obasaju, P.; Rastegar, S.; McGarvey, A. C.; Kopp, W.; Chambers, E.; Wang, D.; Kim, H. R.; Acemel, R. D.; Naranjo, S.; Lapinski, M.; Chong, V.; Mathavan, S.; Peers, B.; Sauka-Spengler, T.; Vingron, M.; Carninci, P.; Ohler, U.; Lacadie, S. A.; Burgess, S.; Winata, C.; van Eeden, F.; Vaquerizas, J. M.; Gómez-Skarmeta, J. L.; Onichtchouk, D.; Brown, B. J.; Bogdanovic, O.; Westerfield, M.; Wardle, F. C.; Daub, C. O.; Lenhard, B.; Müller, F.: Integrated annotation and analysis of genomic features reveal new types of functional elements and large-scale epigenetic phenomena in the developing zebrafish. bioRxiv (2021)
Lienhard, M.; van den Beucken, T.; Timmermann, B.; Hochradel, M.; Boerno, S.; Caiment, F.; Vingron, M.; Herwig, R.: Long-read transcriptome sequencing analysis with IsoTools. bioRxiv (2021)
Gralinska, E.; Vingron, M.: Association Plots: Visualizing associations in high-dimensional correspondence analysis biplots. bioRxiv (Preprint Server) (2020)
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